
a simple PHP client for privatebin.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

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Privatebin_PHP is api for PrivateBin written on PHP.


composer require cyvax/privatebin_php


Tuupola Base58 : a Base58 encoder by Tuupola


By default Privatebin_PHP configured to use https://paste.i2pd.xyz/ for sending and receiving pastes.

You can parse config to a PrivatebinPHP object.

Example :
fast one with options passed as argument on creation :

use Cyvax\PrivatebinPHP;

$private =new PrivatebinPHP(array(
    "url" => "https://privatebin.net/",
    "text" => "Because ignorance is bliss!",
$posted = $private->encode_and_post();

It will send string Because ignorance is bliss! to PrivateBin.

Check Wiki for documentation.


This project is licensed under the MIT license, which can be found in the file LICENSE in the root of the project source code.