
gem'ified version of DeLynn Berry's original plugin

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

= acts_as_dropdown

This plugin allows any ActiveRecord object to easily be used to create a HTML select option list.

The github repository gbdev-acts_as_dropdown was copied from http://acts-as-dropdown.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ (rev 17) on 2008-10-10

The only current modifications in gbdev-acts_as_dropdown from the original are to make the plugin work as a gem and small reorganizing.

== Resources


* [ruby] script\plugin install http://acts-as-dropdown.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/

  Or even better, use Piston (http://piston.rubyforge.org)

* piston import http://acts-as-dropdown.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ vendor/plugins/acts_as_dropdown


* These can be found in the doc directory at the root of the acts_as_dropdown directory by loading the
  index.html file into a browser.


* http://acts-as-dropdown.googlecode.com/svn/

Special thanks to courtenay of http://habtm.com for giving me the idea for this plugin.