n. Hard working dependable slaves, with a keen attention to mining your gold.
It's easy to get started with Peon.
$ [sudo] gem install peons
$ redis-server # Assuming you have redis-server installed and in your path
require "peons"
Peons[:fortress].push "1"
Peons[:fortress].push "2"
Peons[:fortress].push "3"
Peons[:fortress].push "4"
output = []
Peons[:fortress].each do |item|
output << item
output == ["1", "2", "3", "4"]
# => true
You can also do atomic pops, if you'd prefer that over looping your entire queue.
Peons[:fortress].push "1"
popped = nil
Peons[:fortress].pop do |item|
popped = item
popped == "1"
# => true
For cases where you want to connect to a Redis connection which isn't the default, simply assign like so:
Peons.redis = Redis.connect(:url => "redis://")
- Testing for thread safety.
- A sinatra web interface to display all queues
- General hardening.