Describe the 3D model you want to create in plain English, and the script will generate the corresponding Python code that Blender can understand. It's like having a magical genie at your fingertips!

Primary LanguageShell

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Describe the 3D model you want to create in plain English, and the script will generate the corresponding Python code that Blender can understand. It's like having a magical genie at your fingertips!

Imagine you are a wizard with the power to create 3D models in Blender, but instead of waving a wand or muttering incantations, you use natural language. That's what my script does!

• Open a terminal window. • Navigate to the directory where the script is located. • Run the script using the command ./gptBLEND.sh (when using linux based system) and gptBLEND.bat (when using windows based system) • Read the usage instructions that are displayed in the terminal. • Enter a prompt that describes the Python code you want to generate. For example, "Generate Python code to create a 3D model of a car in Blender." • Press Enter to submit the prompt. • The script will validate the prompt and send a request to the ChatGPT API to generate Python code. • If the API response includes generated Python code, the script will save the code to a file named script.py and execute the code in Blender. • If there are any errors during the process, the script will print an error message and exit.

Note that you should replace "YOUR_API_KEY" with your actual API key for the ChatGPT API. Additionally, make sure you have installed the jq tool to extract the generated Python code from the API response.