
A lightweight scalable real-time dashboard using React, GraphQL subscriptions and Redis PubSub

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A lightweight real-time dashboard using React, GraphQL subscriptions and Redis PubSub

Walkthrough: https://dev.to/nowke/building-real-time-dashboard-using-react-graphql-subscriptions-and-redis-pubsub-2gip





  • Install NodeJS (LTS)
  • Install Redis (Server and Client)
    • MacOS - brew install redis
  • Install Yarn
    • MacOS - brew install yarn

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/nowke/realtime-dashboard-demo.git

(a) Setup server

Install dependencies

cd server

Start the server

yarn start

Server will be running at http://localhost:4000/. The below UI will be rendered

GraphQL UI

(b) Setup worker

Start Redis server


Install dependencies

cd worker

Start the worker

yarn start

The following logs will be printed,

Starting worker
Scheduled Jobs for CPU, Traffic, distribution, messages
Fetched new results for MESSAGES
Fetched new results for CPU
Fetched new results for DISTRIBUTION
Fetched new results for CPU
Fetched new results for MESSAGES
Fetched new results for TRAFFIC

(c) Setup client

Install dependencies

cd client

Start client

yarn start

Client will be running at http://localhost:3000. Dashboard picks up initial data from Redis, update itself at intervals.

Real-time dashboard

(d) Subscribe to Redis channels

Alternatively, subscribe to Redis channel directly using SUBSCRIBE <channel> command to get the feel of it!

For example, subscribe to CPU utilization channel - cpu. Observe values getting published to the channel while the worker is running.

$ redis-cli> SUBSCRIBE cpu
Reading messages... (press Ctrl-C to quit)
1) "subscribe"
2) "cpu"
3) (integer) 1
4) "message"
5) "cpu"
6) "{\"cpu\":{\"percentage\":51}}"
7) "message"
8) "cpu"
9) "{\"cpu\":{\"percentage\":74}}"
10) "message"
11) "cpu"
12) "{\"cpu\":{\"percentage\":51}}"
13) "message"
14) "cpu"
15) "{\"cpu\":{\"percentage\":43}}"

(e) Publish to Redis channels

Kill the worker process to stop the dashboard from getting new values. Now, publish the values directly from Redis using PUBLISH <channel> <value> command.

Note: Provide a valid JSON String as value for the dashboard to render the value correctly.

Publish a 53% value as CPU percentage

$ redis-cli> PUBLISH cpu "{\"cpu\":{\"percentage\":53}}"
(integer) 1>

And, the dashboard's CPU panel shows 53% value immediately

Client CPU Value

Available channels in the example are,

  • cpu
  • traffic
  • distribution
  • messages
