
UI Code for Untitled

Primary LanguageObjective-C

Carthage compatible

Untitled UI Kit

Untitled UI Kit was designed by czaralves@gmail.com.

CocoaPods installation

  1. In your podfile add

    pod 'UntitledUIKit', :git => 'https://github.com/czaralves/untitled-ui-kit.git'

  2. On the terminal, in your project folder, run pod install


APUntitledManager Gives you an easy access to the storyboard. Here's an easy way to start:

On application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: use this to start with Untitled UI Kit:

``` import UntitledUIKit ``` ``` APUntitledManager.shared().theme?.apply(); self.window?.rootViewController = APUntitledManager.shared().initialVC(); ```

``` #import ``` ``` [[APUntitledManager shared].theme apply]; [self.window setRootViewController:[[APUntitledManager shared] initialVC]]; ```