
Vue3 Yandex SmartCaptcha component

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Yandex SmartCaptcha for Vue3 projects

Adds Yandex SmartCaptcha component into your Vue3 application

You need to create Captcha and get keys. You need client site key in order to activate captcha component and it is the only required property

NOTE: this package does NOT provides verification of response - you still need to implement it


Install it using npm

npm install vue3-smart-captcha

# Or using pnpm
pnpm add vue3-smart-captcha


No need to add widget script in the head section of your site

As plugin

// main.js
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import { SmartCaptchaPlugin } from 'vue3-smart-captcha'

const app = createApp({})


As component

    <SmartCaptcha :sitekey="sitekey" />

<script setup>
import { SmartCaptcha } from 'vue3-smart-captcha'

const sitekey = 'client_site_key' // import.meta.env.VITE_YANDEX_SMART_CAPTCHA_KEY

You may add style="height: 100px" in order to prevent layout jump

    <SmartCaptcha style="height: 100px" :sitekey="sitekey" />


Only sitekey is required

Property Default Description Type
sitekey - Public site key (find it at Yandex console panel) string
loadWidget true Load widget script or not (if not you should provide source script itself) boolean
timeout 2000 How much time will component looking for smartCaptcha object to initialize number
callback undefined Render property (1) (token: string) => void
hl window.navigator.language See [1] 'ru', 'en', 'be', 'kk', 'tt', 'uk', 'uz', 'tr'
test false See [1] boolean
webview false See [1] boolean
invisible false See [1] boolean
shieldPosition center-right See [1] 'top-left', 'center-left', 'bottom-left', 'top-right', 'center-right', 'bottom-right'
hideShield false See [1] boolean
on-success undefined Subscription event (2) (token: string) => void
on-network-error undefined See [2] () => void
on-challenge-visible undefined See [2] () => void
on-challenge-hidden undefined See [2] () => void
on-token-expired undefined See [2] () => void

Basically it gets every parameter of window.smartCaptcha object plus 5 callbacks for every subscription events named as on + event name in camelCase ('success' => 'onSuccess', 'network-error' => 'onNetworkError', etc)

Do not load widget

You may add script tag <script src="https://smartcaptcha.yandexcloud.net/captcha.js?render=onload" defer></script> yourself or using Nuxt config like

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  app: {
    head: {
      script: [
          src: 'https://smartcaptcha.yandexcloud.net/captcha.js?render=onload',
          defer: true,

This way you don't need to render widget script itself. Just set :load-widget="false" to disable script loading

<SmartCaptcha sitekey="sitekey" :load-widget="false" />

You can specify amount of time in timeout how much script will try to resolve window.smartCaptcha object before give up


Open-source under MIT license


We are using Vitest

Help wanted to cover properties were passed to window.smartCaptcha object

pnpm test