This project extends the Keycloak authentication server to cover complicated enterprise use cases such as multi-tenancy, custom storage, n-level resellers by extending Keycloak through its SPIs such as storage, authentication, and identity provider.
- Abdelhak-Bahri@evercam @ScientificClubofESI @YAtechnologies @Legalplace @evercam
- Charlie059Duke
- donhuvyDiệu Quỳnh điêngg
- flowebSeldon Finance
- fomin-grigorichUkraine, Kherson
- gaopanus
- jamilxtBrain Station 23 Ltd.
- jibrel@Medical-Ocean
- kwizeraelvis@hacksplash
- markusmuellerBerlin
- oferchenNetherlands
- prithvizContact Software GmbH
- robertoporfiroIntellectEU
- robertoporfiroIEUIntellectEU
- talshimoni
- tarekmuesVerder Scientific GmbH & Co. KG
- wouerner@SouJunior
- youssefelhirech@Dcode-Evo
- zeusbaba@beerstorm-net