
pdo class for accessing mysql database

Primary LanguagePHP

PHP pdo mysql helper class

I add some codes to supports transaction.

roydu 2014-04-18


Make sure you've change the configuration file config.php.
Include config.php to your php code


standard query

//this will get all records with username wildan
$custom=$db->custom_query("select * from admin where username=?",$data);
	foreach ($custom as $key) {
		echo $key->username; //print username column

join 2 table

//get all record from 2 tables with join
$qr="select admin.*,level.* from admin inner join level on admin.level=level.id_level";
	foreach ($cust as $key) {
		echo $key->username.":".$key->name_level;

join 2 tables with condition

//get all record with condition (admin.level=2)
$qr="select admin.*,level.* from admin inner join level on admin.level=level.id_level and admin.level=?";
	foreach ($cust as $key) {
		echo $key->username.":".$key->name_level; //print username column and levelname

Retrieving All Rows From A Table

//equal to select * from admin
	foreach ($rs as $key) {
		echo $key->username.":".$key->password."<br>";

Retrieving A Single Row From A Table

//only return one row
//select * from admin where id_user=4
	echo $rs->username;

Retrieving A List Of Column Values

//select username,password from admin
foreach ($f as $key) {
	echo $key->username.$key->password."<br>";

Retrieving A List Of Column Values with condition

//select username,password where level=1'
foreach ($row as $key) {
	echo $key->username."<br>";

Retrieving A List Of Column Values with condition and order (ASC|DESC)

//select username,password where level=1 order by id ASC|DESC'
foreach ($row as $key) {
	echo $key->username."<br>";


//select username,password where username='$username' and password='$password'
//return true if exist
//case login system
if ($s==true) {
	echo "good";
} else {
	echo "wrong";

Search Record

1. search one cond
//search data
//select username,password from admin where username like %wild%
foreach ($find as $key) {
	echo $key->username;
2. search multi cond
//select username,password from admin where username like %wild% OR password LIKE %ad%
foreach ($find as $key) {
	echo $key->username;


//equal to insert into admin (username,password,level) values('admin',md5('admin'),1)


//equal to insert into admin (username,password,level) values('admin',md5('admin'),1)
$last_id = $db->get_last_id(); //this will get the last insert id from admin table


//equal to update admin set username='wildan',level=1 where id_user=1


//delete from admin where id_user=1


//if you have complex query, you can use custom_query. You can use custom query as complex as u want, and also absolutely with prepared statement for security reason. below is the sample how to use custom query.

//fetch data
$data = array('id'=>1,'level'=>1);
$db->custom_query("select * from admin where id=? and level=?");

//insert data,
$db->custom_query("insert into admin (username,password) values(?,?)",$data);

//custom query update data,
$db->custom_query("update admin set username=?,level=? where id=?",$data);

//delete data
$db->custom_query("delete from admin where id=?",$data);

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