- Uses Packer to build a base Ubuntu 16.04 box with lots of nice AWS and DevOps-y tools.
- Install Virtualbox
- Install Vagrant
Run the following:
vagrant init kmcquade/aws-workbox \
--box-version 0.0.1
vagrant up
- Install Packer
Run the following:
packer build -on-error=ask ubuntu1604.json
Once that completes, run the following:
vagrant up
- A few of Kinnaird's scripts
I removed this from the original iso_urls
line in the Packer JSON file. I can add it later.
When I want to eventually push this to VagrantCloud, I should add this to Packer:
"type": "vagrant-cloud",
"box_tag": "geerlingguy/ubuntu1604",
"version": "{{user `version`}}"
Based on https://github.com/geerlingguy/packer-ubuntu-1604 Inspired by https://github.com/kief/infra-workbox