
AEM-related plugin commands for Adobe I/O CLI

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Plugin to Adobe I/O CLI for executing commands related to Adobe Experience Manager.


To install the and use the command locally:

$ npm install -g @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-aem
$ aio-aem COMMAND
running command...
$ aio-aem (-v|--version|version)
@adobe/aio-cli-plugin-aem/1.0.4 darwin-x64 node-v10.16.3
$ aio-aem --help [COMMAND]
  $ aio-aem COMMAND

Adding New Commands

To add a new command, do the following:

  • Create a new javascript file, named after the command, in src/commands/aem.
  • Use the contents of src/commands/aem/upload.js as a starting point for your command, paying particular attention to the command's flags, args, and description. For additional information and features, see https://oclif.io.
  • Ensure that the file's exports include an object with a property matching the command name.

Testing Commands

There are a couple options for running commands through the locally cloned repository.

// run command through Node.js
node bin/run aem:COMMAND
// run command as a binary (Mac)
./bin/run aem:COMMAND
// run command as a binary (Windows)
bin/run.cmd aem:COMMAND
// run using specifed NPM command
npm link // only needs to be run once
aio-aem aem:COMMAND


aio-aem aem:upload FILES_FOLDERS

Upload asset binaries to AEM

  $ aio-aem aem:upload FILES_FOLDERS

  FILES_FOLDERS  Space-delimited list of files and folders to upload.

  -c, --credential=credential  [default: admin:admin] AEM credential
                               The username and password for authenticating with the
                               target AEM instance. Should be in the format

  -h, --host=host              [default: http://localhost:4502] AEM host
                               The host value of the AEM instance where files will be
                               uploaded. This should include everything in the host's
                               URL up until /content/dam.

  -l, --log=log                [default: upload-${timestamp}.log] Log file path
                               The local path to where the process's log messages
                               should be saved.

  -o, --output=output          [default: result-${timestamp}.html] Result html file path
                               The local path to where the process's metrics will be
                               saved in html format.

  -r, --threads=threads        [default: 5] Maximum threads
                               Maximum number of files to upload concurrently.

  -t, --target=target          [default: /content/dam/aem-upload-${timestamp}] Target AEM folder
                               The folder in the target AEM instance where asset
                               binaries should be uploaded. Should always begin with

  -d, --deep=[true|false]     [default: false] Whether to perform a deep upload,
                               e.g. to recurssively upload all files and folders 
                               underneath the target folder.

  -v, --version                Show version

  --help                       Show help

  Uploads one or more files to a target AEM instance. The upload process uses the
  direct binary access algorithm, so the target instance must have direct binary
  access enabled; otherwise the upload will fail.

  The process will upload the files or directories (non-recursive) provided in
  the command.

  Note that the process will only work with AEM instances that use basic
  (i.e. non-SSO) authentication.

  $ aio aem:upload myimage.jpg
  $ aio aem:upload -h http://myaeminstance -c admin:12345 myimage.jpg

See code: src/commands/aem/upload.js


This module uses semantic-release when publishing new versions. The process is initiated upon merging commits to the master branch. To create a release, ensure that the commit message of the PR begins with one of the following values:

    • Increments the major version number (i.e. 1.2.3 would become 2.0.0)
    • Increments the minor version number (i.e. 1.2.3 would become 1.3.0)
    • Increments the patch version number (i.e. 1.2.3 would become 1.2.4)

PRs whose messages do not meet this format will not generate a new release.

Release notes are generated based on semantic-release's eslint preset. Follow the guidelines in the preset's documentation to include commit messages in a release's notes.


Contributions are welcomed! Read the Contributing Guide for more information.


This project is licensed under the Apache V2 License. See LICENSE for more information.