
Proxy handler for getting properties and executing functions

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Generic Interceptor

Provide proxy handler for intercepting property accesses and function executions. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interceptor_pattern

Table of Contents

Technology Stack


uuid - for generating id of each access


npm i -s generic-interceptor


Argument properties

  • onSuccess - function triggered whenever proxied object function result is returned.

  • onError - function triggered whenever proxied object function throws an error.

  • onNonFunction - function triggered whenever proxied object non functional property is touched (object property getter is triggered).

  • callbackEnding - field is used when an object (on which proxy with returned handler is applied) function use callback style to return value and have callback to promise transformation function. This field define a name of a callback to promise transformation function which should be executed after primary function execution. Example

Callback payloads

  • onSuccess
    fieldValue: any;
    fieldValueType: string;
    fieldKey: string;
    processingStrategy: "synchronous" | "promise async" | "callback ending";
    functionArgs: unknown[];
    functionResult: any;
    processingResult: "succeed"
  • onError
    fieldValue: any;
    fieldValueType: string;
    fieldKey: string;
    processingStrategy: "synchronous" | "promise async" | "callback ending";
    functionArgs: unknown[];
    functionError: Error;
    processingResult: "failed"
  • onNonFunction
fieldValue: any;
fieldValueType: string;
fieldKey: string;

Callback results

  • onSuccess
    any | void;
  • onError
    Error | void;
  • onNonFunction
    any | void;


Logging function execution result

import { interceptor } from "generic-interceptor";
const userRepository = {
  find: ({ id }) => ({ id, name: "John" }),
const wrappedUserRepository = new Proxy(
    onSuccess: console.log,
    onNonFunction: () => {},
    onError: () => {},

wrappedUserRepository.find({ id: 1 });
    fieldValue: [λ: find], <- userRepository.find value reference
    fieldValueType: 'function', <- userRepository.find field value is function
    fieldKey: 'find', <- userRepository touched field key
    processingStrategy: 'synchronous', <- userRepository.find returns no promise object
    functionArgs: [ { id: 1 } ], <- userRepository.find execution arguments
    functionResult: { id: 1, name: 'John' }, <- userRepository.find execution result
    processingResult: 'succeed' <- userRepository.find did not throw during execution

Logging function execution error

import { interceptor } from "generic-interceptor";
const userRepository = {
  find: async () => {
    throw Error("error message");
const wrappedUserRepository = new Proxy(
    onSuccess: () => {},
    onNonFunction: () => {},
    onError: console.log,

    fieldValue: [λ: find], <- userRepository.find value reference
    fieldValueType: 'function', <- userRepository.find field value is function
    fieldKey: 'find', <- userRepository touched field key
    processingStrategy: 'promise async', <- userRepository.find returns promise object
    functionArgs: [], <- userRepository.find execution arguments
    functionError: Error { message: 'error message' }, <- userRepository.find error object
    processingResult: 'failed' <- userRepository.find did not throw during execution
  (node:11867) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: error message
   at .../index.ts:112:11
   at Generator.next (<anonymous>)
   at .../index.ts:8:71
   at new Promise (<anonymous>)
   at __awaiter (.../index.ts:4:12)
   at Object.find (.../index.ts:111:20)
   at Proxy.<anonymous> (.../index.ts:72:39)
   at Object.<anonymous> (.../index.ts:124:23)
   at Module._compile (.../loader.js:999:30)
   at Module.m._compile (.../index.ts:1455:23)
  (node:11867) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). To terminate the node process on unhandled promise rejection, use the CLI flag `--unhandled-rejections=strict` (see https://nodejs.org/api/cli.html#cli_unhandled_rejections_mode). (rejection id: 2)
  (node:11867) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.

Logging object touched properties

import { interceptor } from "generic-interceptor";
const userRepository = {
  repositoryName: "user",
const wrappedUserRepository = new Proxy(
    onSuccess: () => {},
    onNonFunction: console.log,
    onError: () => {},

    fieldValue: "user", <- userRepository.repositoryName value reference
    fieldValueType: 'string', <- userRepository.get field value is function
    fieldKey: 'repositoryName', <- userRepository touched field key

Modifying function execution error

import { interceptor } from "generic-interceptor";
const userRepository = {
  find: async () => {
    throw Error("error message");
const wrappedUserRepository = new Proxy(
    onSuccess: () => {},
    onNonFunction: () => {},
    onError: ({ error, key }) => {
      error.message = `userRepository.${key} > ${error.message}`;
      return error;

 (node:11867) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: userRepository.find > error message
  at .../index.ts:112:11
  at Generator.next (<anonymous>)
  at .../index.ts:8:71
  at new Promise (<anonymous>)
  at __awaiter (.../index.ts:4:12)
  at Object.find (.../index.ts:111:20)
  at Proxy.<anonymous> (.../index.ts:72:39)
  at Object.<anonymous> (.../index.ts:124:23)
  at Module._compile (.../loader.js:999:30)
  at Module.m._compile (.../index.ts:1455:23)
 (node:11867) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). To terminate the node process on unhandled promise rejection, use the CLI flag `--unhandled-rejections=strict` (see https://nodejs.org/api/cli.html#cli_unhandled_rejections_mode). (rejection id: 2)
(node:11867) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.

Modifying function execution result

import { interceptor } from "generic-interceptor";
const userRepository = {
  find: () => "message",
const wrappedUserRepository = new Proxy(
    onSuccess: ({ functionResult }) => `result: ${functionResult}`,
    onNonFunction: () => {},
    onError: () => {},

  result: message

Modifying property value

import { interceptor } from "generic-interceptor";
const userRepository = {
  repositoryName: "user",
const wrappedUserRepository = new Proxy(
    onSuccess: () => {},
    onNonFunction: ({ fieldValue, fieldKey }) => `${fieldKey}: ${fieldValue}`,
    onError: () => {},

  repositoryName: user

Generic logger for object of repositories

import { interceptor } from "generic-interceptor";
const loggerInterceptor = interceptor({
  onSuccess: console.log,
  onNonFunction: console.log,
  onError: console.log,
const repositories = {
  user: {
    find: ({ id }) => ({ id, name: "John" }),
  order: {
    create: ({ value }) => ({ id: 2, value }),
const proxiedRepositories = Object.fromEntries(
  Object.entries(repositories).map(([repositoryName, repository]) => [
    new Proxy(repository, loggerInterceptor),

Multiple proxies applied

import { interceptor } from "generic-interceptor";
const errorDecoratorInterceptor = interceptor({
  onSuccess: () => {},
  onNonFunction: () => {},
  onError: ({ error, key }) => {
    error.message = `userRepository.${key} > ${error.message}`;
    return error;
const loggerInterceptor = interceptor({
  onSuccess: console.log,
  onNonFunction: console.log,
  onError: console.log,
const userRepository = {
  find: ({ id }) => ({ id, name: "John" }),
const proxiedUserRepository = [errorDecoratorInterceptor, loggerInterceptor].reduce(
  (acc, handler) => new Proxy(acc, handler),

Handling callback to promise transformation

import { StepFunctions } from "aws-sdk";
import { interceptor } from "generic-interceptor";

const callbackEnding = "callbackToPromiseFunctionName";
const stepFunctions = new StepFunctions();
const wrappedStepFunctions = new Proxy(
    onSuccess: () => {},
    onNonFunction: () => {},
    onError: () => {},

(async () => {
  await wrappedStepFunctions.startExecution({ stateMachineArn: "ARN" })[callbackEnding]();




  • Suggestions about tests, implementation or others are welcome
  • Pull requests are more than welcome

How to start

  1. Clone project

    git clone https://github.com/czlowiek488/generic-interceptor.git

  2. Install dependencies

    npm install

  3. Run all tests

    npm run test

  4. To run specific test run one of those commands

    • npm run test-promise
    • npm run test-callback
    • npm run test-sync
    • npm run test-error
    • npm run test-success
    • npm run test-common
    • npm run test-pattern --pattern='no-function'


Dependency map

Test dependency graph

Dependency graph of tests

3 parts of tests

  • common - running along with each case
  • case (describe) - the way strategies are used, sequence per case. Each sequence has own coverage report. New case must not change interceptor implementation.
  • strategy (it) - may be used in multiple not known ways, each way is a case. Each strategy is contained by each of all cases. New strategy may change interceptor implementation.

Test overview


get no functional property test name

Case / Strategy

Case Strategy
classic function case arrow function case class instance case
return throw return throw return throw
synchronous strategy
promise async strategy
callback ending strategy

Writing tests

  • Case Test
    1. Add case test name to TestCaseDescribe enum
    2. Add proper file to test case directory. Must include all strategy tests.
    3. Typescript will show errors in places where your test is not implemented
    4. Implement your tests using already existing ones as reference
    5. Execute tests
  • Strategy Test
    1. Modify interceptor implementation
    2. Add test name to TestStrategyIt enum
    3. Execute tests, coverage will be less than 100%
  • Common test
    1. Add common test name to TestCommonDescribe enum
    2. Add test to common test directory
    3. Execute tests