
a Concurrency and throughput test experiment process with boost_1_69, can use console to control.

Primary LanguageC++

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a Concurrency and throughput test experiment process with boost_1_69, can use console to control.


simple connection to server:

- logs in just with username (no password)

- all connections are initiated by the client: client asks, server answers

- server disconnects any client that hasn't pinged for XXX seconds (timeout )

Possible response:

- login success or not

- gets a list of all connected clients

- ping: the server answers either with "ping ok from srv" or "ping client_list_changed"

工程pro 文件中有具体说明

本工程用于探索 boost.asio 的用法


this project is used for learn how to use boost.asio in Qt

there are some differents between asio(lib) and boost.asio . see

Asio and Boost.Asio

Asio comes in two variants: (non-Boost) Asio and Boost.Asio. The differences between the two are outlined below.





打开安装Qt 后的命令行工具Qt X.X for Desktop ,进入boost库所在的目录 找到build.bat,然后执行以下命令编译b2和bjam

build gcc

我的build.bat在 daemon_with_boost_1_69\boost_1_69_0\tools\build\src\engine


切换到 boost 根目录 然后 执行

(--toolset= 选择工具集 --with-选择性编译需要的boost相关库 boost.asio 可能会依赖以下, --prefix安装位置 还可使用 --show-libraries 看有哪些库可以用--with来编译)


(bjam --show-libraries 列出所有的库)


(1、安装路径:--prefix=) 默认:C:/Boost(Linux:/usr/local)

(2、库文件安装路径:--libdir=) 默认:/lib

(3、头文件安装路径:--includedir=) 默认:/include

(4、构建类型:--build-type=) debug release shared static mutil

(5、中间文件存放路径:--build-dir=DIR) 默认:Boost根目录


bjam --toolset=gcc --with-system

--with-thread (有用到 boost::thread 里的要包括)




--with-program_options (程序里 qcmd_pairs_dealer 有用到 命令行处理的类 要包括)

--with-filesystem (程序里 boost::filesystem::basename() 有用到 命令行处理的类 要包括)

--prefix=D:\XXX\XXX install

包含 boost 相关头文件(hpp文件已经包含了声明以及实现)

INCLUDEPATH += ../boost_1_69_0_builded_installed/include/boost-1_69


INCLUDEPATH += ./3rd_src

加入之前研究的 开源线程池模块

INCLUDEPATH += ./include/stpool_include LIBS += -L./3rd_lib/stpool_lib -lstpool

包含 boost.asio 相关的依赖的库


LIBS += -lws2_32 -lwsock32




} LIBS += -L../boost_1_69_0_builded_installed/lib
##(程序里 qcmd_pairs_dealer 有用到 命令行处理的类 要包括) -lboost_program_options-mgw53-mt-x32-1_69
-lboost_filesystem-mgw53-mt-x32-1_69 \

测试时有用到 boost/thread.hpp 下属的库
