
This project aims to create spring cloud starter project

Primary LanguageShell


Microservice Architecture with Spring Cloud

This project aims to create a basic spring cloud starter project, based on Netflix stack

This project covers the following topics:

  • Eureka
  • OAuth2
  • Hystrix
  • Turbine
  • Zuul


  • auth-server: OAuth2 server
  • catalog-service: Microservice without authentication
  • eureka-server: Eureka discovery service
  • order-service: Microservice with OAuth2 authentication
  • turbine: Turbine stream aggregator with Hystrix dashboard
  • zuul-gateway: Zuul proxy

Test URLs

  • Catalog service with exception: curl http://localhost:8091/catalog/1
  • Catalog service without exception (Hystrix circuit breaker): curl http://localhost:8091/catalog/11
  • Hystrix stream of catalog: curl http://localhost:8091/hystrix.stream
  • Turbine stream of catalog and order: http://localhost:8082/turbine.stream
  • Turbine dashboard of catalog and order: http://localhost:8082/hystrix/monitor?stream=http://localhost:8082/turbine.stream
  • Get token from auth-server as writer : curl -XPOST "client_id:@localhost:9999/oauth/token" -d "grant_type=password&username=writer&password=writer"
  • Get token from auth-server as reader : curl -XPOST "client_id:@localhost:9999/oauth/token" -d "grant_type=password&username=reader&password=reader"
  • Get order from order-service:
    set read_token = "put here access_token" curl -H "Authorization: Bearer %read_token%" "localhost:8083/order/1"
  • Create order:
    set write_token = "put here access_token" curl -i -H "Authorization: bearer %write_token%" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8083/order -d "{\"id\": \"1\", \"name\": \"order\"}"
  • Zuul proxy: curl http://localhost:8080/catalog/catalog/11

Generate public certificate

keytool -genkeypair -alias jwt -keyalg RSA -dname "CN=jwt, L=Verona, S=Verona, C=IT" -keypass mySecretKey -keystore jwt.jks -storepass mySecretKey
keytool -export -keystore jwt.jks -alias jwt -file example.cer then prompt mySecretKey
openssl x509 -inform der -in example.cer -pubkey -noout and copy the public key in public.cert