- 1
Freeze and UnFreeze Row Feature
#74 opened by dineshit2010 - 0
saveAs craco构建后失效
#115 opened by Germiniku - 0
- 2
#113 opened by yanmin7857 - 42
- 1
An in-range update of nyc is breaking the build 🚨
#112 opened by greenkeeper - 3
- 3
- 2
- 4
- 1
- 82
- 2
An in-range update of babel-plugin-add-module-exports is breaking the build 🚨
#86 opened by greenkeeper - 8
- 42
- 13
- 0
- 3
使用 webpack minimize 后,导出的 excel 损坏
#78 opened by shiny - 0
- 2
- 1
How to set page margin
#69 opened by liuzhen88 - 3
Word wrap support
#67 opened by kbzowski - 1
better-xlsx 1.0.0
#2 opened by helloyou2012 - 0
can not run in ie
#42 opened by lxl53535 - 0
I have a question(前端代码的好多意思不懂,求教)
#53 opened by Yuguantao - 0
Version 10 of node.js has been released
#60 opened by greenkeeper - 1
Issues with create-react-app and uglify
#62 opened by klozowski - 0
#58 opened by zhangdarong - 2
#56 opened by zhangdarong - 1
- 1
One merge cell per Row
#46 opened by sleepwood - 1
#43 opened by zhangleilovebing - 4
Date formatting
#40 opened by robwold - 2
Can you add a typescript definition for us?
#39 opened by MikyWang - 2
Failed to minify the code from this file
#36 opened by wowhyb - 2
npm build Unexpected character(lib.js)
#17 opened by chasonyang - 1
is there api doc?
#23 opened by wesdint - 1
a bug for ie
#24 opened by usercx - 3
#21 opened by chasonyang - 2
#20 opened by usercx - 2
- 1
file size issue
#14 opened by pts011080 - 0
- 1
- 7
#7 opened by NikiSunshine - 3
how to convert html to xlsx
#6 opened by spyshow - 7
#5 opened by 188007803 - 0
Image support
#4 opened by helloyou2012 - 1
Cannot open xlsx file.
#3 opened by je3f0o - 2
babel bug
#1 opened by helloyou2012