This Rails app was deisgned to handle the database and API for Task Haven.
Live Demo - Here
This app was created by running rails new backend --api --database=postgresql
, which prepared the application to perform as an API and to be configured for postgreSQL databases. Json which allows us to parse and generate JSON. Active Model Serializers is used to create custom JSON responses. BCrypt allows me to store a user's password securely through a hashing algorithm. JWT is used to create a token which is used to authenticate a user upon login.
To get started with this application, fork and clone the respository to your hard drive. CD
into the project folder and run bundle install
. Once the gems have been installed, run rake db:setup
to establish and seed the database. Make sure you have postgreSQL installed and already running. Run rails start
once the database has been set up to host the backend on your local server. If you're hosting both the front-end and back-end applications locally, also make sure you change the necessary URL variables in the React application so that changes will reflect your personal database.
There are 7 models which Task Haven utilizes:
The activity
model is a join table between a user
instance and a task
instance. When a change occurs to a board
instance an activity
instance is created. A change can be seen as a new board
instance being created, a new list
instance being created or editted, and a new task
being created or editted.
The board
model is associated with the team
instance it belongs to. The board
instance also has many lists
instances which allows for most of the functionallity on the front end.
The list
model is asscocited with one board
instance and has many task
instances. When a list is created only current team member can view the list
The task
model is asscocited with one list
instance. A task
instance is in a many to many relationship with users
to add extra functionality. At the moment, any changes a current user makes to a task
instance whether through the forms or the drag and drop functionality is logged to the back end through a creation of a activities
In the future, I wanted to create the ability for team members to exchange comments
, set spefic task members
for each task and allow for sub-tasks
on each task.
The team
model allows for all team members access to all boards associated with the team. Team members are not restricted by any validations and can make changes freely to any of the boards associated within the team. A team
instance does however have an admin who is defaulted to the first person who has created the team. The user
who is the admin can make changes to the team name and add or delete members from the team.
The Team Member
model is the join table between Users
instance and Teams
. Users
have access to all of the Teams
boards as long as they are a team member
The User
model handles all aspects of user accounts, including login/signup, and editing information. The Bcrypt and JWT gems handle password encyption in this app.