This repo contains the code for the thesis "Monitoring COVID-19 prevention measures on CCTV cameras using Deep Learning". The whole system is implemented in PyTorch and has been tested on Windows 10. Technical slide can be found here.
is described as below.
|-- bit_pytorch
|-- classifier
|-- config
|-- detector
|-- inputs
|-- hpe
|-- outputs
|-- rootnet
|-- tracking
|-- weights
contains the ResNet Big Transfer implementation for the classifier.config
contains configuration files for the models.detector
contains the code for the object detection algorithm.inputs
contains video and images to process.hpe
contains the human pose estimation modules, in particular the SimpleHRNet implementation.outputs
contains resulting outputs.rootnet
contains the RootNet implementation for monitoring the social distancingtracking
contains the code for the tracking algorithm, in particular the DeepSort implementationweigths
contains the model checkpoints to be
is the main script for monitoring the prevention
contains some utilities functions.
* Python 3.7
* PyTorch >= 1.4.0
* CUDA >= 10
* anaconda3
* pip
Please, open a shell and run the following command.
$ conda env create --file environment.yml
Here are explained the various custom parameters.
usage: Perform inference to monitor covid prevention measures.
[-h] [--classifier_weights CLFPATH] [--detector_weights DET_WEIGHTS]
[--dim DIM [DIM ...]] [-d] [--dist_thresh THRESH] [-dt]
[--eyes_thresh EYES_THRESH] [--focal FOCAL [FOCAL ...]] [-f FRAMERATE]
[--hpe_weights HPEPATH] [--last_frames LAST_FRAMES]
[--len_buffer LEN_BUFFER] [-m] [--mask_thresh MASK_THRESH] [-mt]
[--names NAMES] [-r RESIZE [RESIZE ...]] [--root_weights ROOTPATH]
[-s SAVENAME] [--skeleton] [--tracker_weights TRACKPATH]
positional arguments:
video Video path to perform inference on. If you want to use
the camera, insert the corresponding camera number
(usually 0)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--classifier_weights CLFPATH
mask classifier weights file path
--detector_weights DET_WEIGHTS
detector weights file path
--dim DIM [DIM ...] dimension of the net a.k.a. dimension of the input
image. It must be in the form of (x, y) where x or y
can be defined as: x = 320 + 96 * n in {0, 1, 2, ...}
-d, --distancing enable social distancing monitor
--dist_thresh THRESH minimum distance in meters to respect social
-dt, --distancing_tracking
enable social distancing monitor with tracking
--eyes_thresh EYES_THRESH
Minimum eyes confidence threshold to be considered a
valid face detection
--focal FOCAL [FOCAL ...]
rootnet focal lenght parameter
how many frames you want to skip
--hpe_weights HPEPATH
human pose estimator weights file path
--last_frames LAST_FRAMES
Number of frames to compute the mean on for the social
distancing monitoring (only valid with tracking on)
--len_buffer LEN_BUFFER
length of the buffer containing the mask predictions
-m, --mask enable mask detection
--mask_thresh MASK_THRESH
Minimum confidence threshold to accept the mask
-mt, --mask_tracking enable mask detection with tracking
--names NAMES classes file path
-r RESIZE [RESIZE ...], --resize RESIZE [RESIZE ...]
output video dimension
--root_weights ROOTPATH
rootnet snapshot file path
filename output video you want to save. All files will
be saved in the outputs folder
--skeleton enable mask detection
--tracker_weights TRACKPATH
tracker weights file path
Usage example
$ python ./inputs/demo.mp4 --detector_weights ./weights/yolov4.pth --names ./config/coco.names --dim 320 320
Usage example
$ python ./inputs/demo.mp4 -d --root_weights ./weights/snapshot_19.pth.tar --dist_thresh 2
Usage example
$ python ./inputs/demo.mp4 -mt --hpe_weights ./weights/pose_hrnet_w48_384x288.pth --mask_thresh 80
The detector package is organized as follows:
|-- detector
| |--
| |--
| | |-- yolov4
where contains an interface to be implemented with the object detector you desire. We used YOLOv4 PyTorch implementations.
class Detector(ABC):
def detect(self, image, targets='None'):
:param image: image to perform the inference on
:param (list of str) targets: desired class targets, ex. 'person'
:return (list of list): output in the form [x1, y1, x2, y2, confidence, class]
Download the following files and put them in the weights directory.
- YOLOv4 weights
- DeepSort tracking checkpoints
- Pretrained RootNet. Search for the Human3.6M+MPII folder, then take the snapshot_19.pth.tar file.
- Pretrained PoseHRNet. Download the pose_hrnet_w48_384x288.pth file.
- Fine-tuned BiT-R101x1
If you liked this work please put a star and cite me 😎
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.16368.69124
This work is based on the following repositories:
- pytorch-YOLOv4
- centerNet-deep-sort
- simple-HRNet
- big_transfer