
A Flask application that provides an API for insurance recommendations. Supports authentification. This project was part of a job application process.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



This is an insurance recommendation API. A user can register, login, logout, and post questionnaire data for which he will get a set of insurance recomendation as response.

API usage

The app ist currenty hosted and accessible at http://insurance-agent.store. It is hosted on a Heroku dyno, so it might take some time for startup at the first request.

Important: The connection is not SSL/TLS encrypted, so do not send any personal information or passwords you use at other services. The endpoint is just for demonstration purposes. Also please understand that the API results are not an official consultation and just used for information purposes.


POST to http://insurance-agent.store/register with JSON-payload:

	"username": <username>,
	"email": <email>,
	"password": <password>

Get a recommendation

POST to http://insurance-agent.store/recommendation with JSON-payload:

  "first_name": <firstname>,
  "address": <address>,
  "occupation": <occupation>, (in {Employed, Student, Self-employed})
  "email_address": <email>,
  "children": <Boolean>,
  "num_children": <int> (optional)


The app also supports login ({"username": <username>, "password": <password>}) at http://insurance-agent.store/login and logout at http://insurance-agent.store/logout. Registering will automatically log you in.

Run the app locally

  1. Clone repository
    git clone https://github.com/d-e-h-i-o/insuranceAPI.git
    cd insuranceAPI/
  2. Create virtual environment
    python3 -m venv venv
  3. Activate virtual environment
    source venv/bin/activate
  4. Install requirements
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Set environment variables
    export DATABASE_URL="postgresql:///insuranceapi_dev"
    export APP_SETTINGS="config.DevelopmentConfig"
    export FLASK_APP="api_app:create_app()"
    export SECRET_KEY=<something_really_secret>
  6. Set up database
    createdb insuranceapi_dev
  7. Run app
    flask run

Run test suite

  1. Set up database
    createdb insuranceapi_test
  2. Run tests
    python -m pytest tests/ --capture=tee-sys


  • Integrate JWT
  • Integrate Flask-Admin
  • Use mypy and type hints
  • Use docker