Language: English
Locales: Keyboard Layout: de
Disk config: btrfs, subvolumes, compression
Bootloader: Grub
Swap: True
User account: dhain
Profile: None
Audio: Pipewire
Additional packages:
- git
- base-devel
Network config: Use NetworkManager
Timezone: CEST
NTP: True
- hyprland (window manager)
- xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland (xdg desktop portal for hyprland)
- zsh (shell)
- alacritty (terminal)
- neofetch (most important util)
- vim (for sudo editing needs)
- neovim (best editor)
- sddm (login manager)
- sddm-theme-corners-git (sddm theme)
- imv (terminal image viewer)
- exa (ls but with colors)
- btop (better than htop)
- bat (cat but beautiful)
- ripgrep (grep but better)
- brightnessctl (screen brightness utility)
- bluez (bluetooth utility)
- swww (wallpapers (including gifs))
- waybar (sidebar/taskbar)
- synology-drive (Synology Drive Client)
- docker (containers woooooooo)
- virt-manager (QEMU, WOW)
- filezilla (ftp file client)
- brave-bin (Chrome but better)
- hyprshot (screenshots)
- c-lolcat (lolcat (fast and without ruby! yay!))
- pinta (gimp but less features)
- p3x-onenote-bin (one note)
- teams (ms teams)
- swaylock (screen locker)
- wofi (app searcher)
- wlogout (logout/restart/shutdown utility)
- discord
- nautilus (file explorer)
- obsidian (note taking)
- pavucontrol (sound)
- ttf-jetbrains-mono (best font)
- ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd (best font with icons)
- sl (ls)
- Download archiso, boot into the live environment and install arch. I'll be using archinstall.
- Clone this repo and run the shell script. (aur helper will be yay)