
Fody-based proxy generator with support for async patterns

Primary LanguageC#


Async-enabled proxy generator with support for either compile-time or runtime based generation. By "proxy generator" we mean being able to take an existing class or interface and inject an interceptor that can generically handle each method in the source type and choose when and whether to pass the invocation off to the original implementation (if any). The idea is similar to Castle's DynamicProxy but in contrast to that library, sexy-proxy is fully async/await enabled. By that, we mean the methods around which you are proxying can return Task or Task<T> and your interceptor itself can use async and await without having to fuss with awkward uses of .ContinueWith.


Install using nuget:

Install-Package sexy-proxy

Getting Started

To get started we'll demonstrate a simple example using a virtual method in a base class. We will proxy that class and intercept the method, logging to a StringWriter (asynchronously!) both before and after proceeding to the original implementation. This sample will use the Reflection.Emit version because there are fewer dependencies and is thus simper for a first example.

To start, let's consider the following class:

public class HelloWorldPrinter
    public async virtual Task SayHello(TextWriter writer)
        await writer.WriteAsync("Hello World!");

Ordinarilly, you could use this method like so:

var writer = new StringWriter();
await new HelloWorldPrinter().SayHello(writer);

This would result in the string "Hello World!" being written to your StringWriter. But now let's use a proxy to change the data written to the writer such that the full string written is:

John says, "Hello World!"

HelloWorldPrinter can stay the same, but the callsite will change to:

1) var writer = new StringWriter();
2) var printer = Proxy.CreateProxy<HelloWorldPrinter>(async invocation =>
3) {
4)    await writer.WriteAsync("John says, \"");
5)    await invocation.Proceed();
6)    await writer.WriteAsync("\"");
7)    return null;
8) });
9) await printer.SayHello(writer);

Here we're storing off the printer in a separate variable (for clarity) and creating a proxy around HelloWorldPrinter with an invocation handler responsible for handling the method's interception. Let's break this down into smaller pieces:

  1. We create the proxy itself via Proxy.CreateProxy<HelloWorldPrinter>(...)
  2. The argument to CreateProxy expects a function that either returns an object or returns a Task<object>. The latter demonstrates async semantics, so we'll use that for our example.
  3. The argument passed to your function is an instance of Invocation (more details on that later) For now, suffice to say that it allows us to invoke the original behavior of the SayHello method at a time of our choosing.
  4. Line 4) asynchronously writes the string John says, " to the writer.
  5. Line 5) asynchronously calls the original implementation of SayHello, which writes the string Hello World! to the writer.
  6. Line 6) asynchronously closes the quotation by writing " to the writer.
  7. Finally, we invoke SayHello as before on line 9).

The end result of this is the string John says, "Hello World!" written to the writer as we expected.


At a high-level there are a handful of concepts that you should understand to take full advantage of this library.

  • Generator Types
  • The Invocation object passed to your handler
  • Proxies around unimplemented methods vs. those with existing behavior.
  • Target-based proxies
  • In-place proxies (requires the Fody version of the generator described below)

Generator Types

sexy-proxy provides two key ways of generating the proxy. One uses Reflection.Emit and is simple and works out of the box. (it has no dependencies) However, it has two key limitations:

  • It requires Reflection.Emit -- this is a problem for iOS apps.
  • It requires that proxy'd methods be virtual or that the proxy type be an interface (and that the type be public).

Furthermore, any costs associated with generating a proxy (admitedly fairly minimal) are incurrred at runtime rather than compile time.

If any of these concerns are paramount, sexy-proxy provides an alternative generator that uses Fody. This is a tool that allows the proxies to be generated at compile-time. This addresses all the aforementioned issues. The downsides of using Fody are minimal:

  • The generation happens at compile-time, so any penalty incurred for generating proxies must be dealt with every time you compile. So, for example, it can (very slightly) slow down your iterations when leveraging TDD.
  • On your proxy'd type you must either:
    • Decorate it with the [Proxy] attribute
    • Implement the interface IProxy

Generally speaking, we'd recommend using the Fody implementation since the costs are negligible and the benefits are useful. For example, you can proxy on any method, regardless of whether it's marked as virtual or private and the declaring type itself can be private or internal, which is not possible with Reflection.Emit.

The Invocation object passed to your handler

Your invocation handler is what is responsible for defining what happens when your methods are intercepted. The value returned by your invocation handler is what will be returned to the caller of the intercepted method. If the method's return type is void, then you must still return null (since the invocation handler has a non-void return type).

In scenarios in which you have an existing implementation you'd like to invoke (as in our Getting Started example where we still wanted to enlist the default implementation that wrote Hello World! to the writer), there is a method on the Invocation object called Proceed:

public abstract Task<object> Proceed();

There are two important points about this method signature:

  • It returns a Task<object> which means you may await it. And since your invocation handler can also be an async method (or lambda) this is straightforward.
  • It takes no arguments. This is because the invocation handler is the same for all the methods you may be intercepting, which could have wildly different arity.

Thus, the arguments to your intercepted method are contained in the Arguments property:

public object[] Arguments { get; set; }

Naturally, if your method has three parameters, then this array will contain three elements in parameter order. Importantly, you may modify this array to dynamically change the arguments that will be passed on to the original implementation if and when you invoke Proceed.

Proxies around unimplemented methods vs. those with existing behavior.

As in the example illustrated in Getting Started, you can intercept methods that already have existing behavior. If doing so, Proceed will allow you to invoke that behavior. In contrast, if the intercepted method is abstract or declared in an interface, then Proceed will do nothing but return the default value for the return type, or null if the return type is void.

Target-based proxies

Sometimes you already have an existing instance of your proxy type and you want to modify the behavior via the decorator pattern. Normally the decorator pattern requires you to manually override/implement the relevant methods, which of course is often exactly the right approach.

Other times, however, the behavior you want to apply can be generalized such that you'd rather not have to override each method individually. (for example, logging how long it took to invoke each method) In such a scenario, you can use sexy-proxy to create a proxy where the Proceed method will actually invoke the method on an arbitrary instance of the type that you provide when instantiating your proxy.