Hi! The Database is already seeded with some dev test data. I haven't implemented auto create of the database due to time. Moderator account: moderator@thisapp.co.za P@ssw0rd Normal user accounts (they all use the same password "P@ssw0rd"): divanjbrt@gmail.com normal.user.1@thisapp.co.za test@test.co.za test1@test.co.za normal.user.2@thisapp.co.za The entry point of the app is WebApi. Please run in Debug mode (it was the only one tested and has swagger). The Login request in postman will set the auth token up for all other authed requests. Github: https://github.com/d-i-v-a-n/Assessment Postman workspace: https://www.postman.com/payload-cosmologist-23008396/workspace/divan-s-assessment-workspace PS. If I had more time I would have liked to add more features like validation and auto mapping.