Build a twitter statistic telegram bot with express and node.js

Hey! Welcome to 🤖 Build a twitter statistic telegram bot with express and node.js 🤖! Here goes everything you need to know:


Specific knowledge

  • Telegram docs (link)
  • Telegraf.js docs (link)

Egghead videos and courses

  • Intro to node or express (link)
  • Twitter app and tokens (link)
  • Telegram bot token (link)
  • install Docker, docker-compose, redis (link)

Steps to do

  1. Pull code of this repo
  2. Install node.js
  3. Grab tokens and secrets of twitter app from twitter for developers(link) put them into .env (link)
  4. Create a new bot in Bot Father (link), get the bot token and put it into .env (link)
  5. Instal dependencies with yarn install or npm install
  6. Run server launch script with npm run dev or yarn run dev
  7. Open bot and run test or start commands to verify it is running

With everything covered in prerequisites section you are all set and ready to participate in the workshop and learn all the intricacies of building the telegram bot!

Workshop plan

  1. Going trough basic telegraf js concepts
  2. Working with messages
  3. Telegraf middleware
  4. Executing commands
  5. Listeners
  6. Sessions and data persistence
  7. Wizards
  8. Telegraf inline menu
  9. Closing thoughts