cmp-table (under construction)

vue 3 data table

cmp-table is simple but cusomizable data table.

Demo online



  • sorting
  • grouping
  • row expanding
  • fixed headers
  • fixed columns
  • global filtering
  • column filtering
  • pagination



npm i
node app


main props

property name type sample
items PropType<Item[]> const items = ref<Item[]>([{ team: 'dream team'});
headers PropType<Header[]> const headers = ref<Header[]>([{ title: 'team', field: 'team', sortable: false, filterable:false, expandable: true }]);
viewOptions PropType const options = ref<ViewOptions>({page: 1,rowsPerPage: 3,orderBy: { team: 'desc' }, where: {}, });

additional table props

property name type description
caption string table caption
searchPlaceholder string global filter text placeholder
striped boolean use striped css class on rows
emptyMessage string no data text
hideFooter boolean hide table footer
hideHeader boolean hide table header
itemsSelected PropType<Item[]> or null array of selected items
loading boolean show loading spiner
showIndex boolean show row index as first column (autocalculated)
tableClassName string table css class
headerClassName string table header css class
scrollHeight number table height in pixel. to enable scrolling
scrollWidth number table width in pixel. to enable scrolling


column slots

template name description
customize-headers fully custom table header (custom THEAD)
header-prepend first slot after THEAD
header-{YourFieldName} TH column slot
header-append last slot after all rows in THEAD

row slots

template name description
body-prepend first slot in TBODY
expandable-row expandable row slot
item-index customize index cell
item-{YourFieldName} td cell slot
empty-row empty message row slot
body-append last slot in TBODY


event name description
clickRow click on row
contextmenuRow context menu click
