
An exact solver for the Dispersive Art Gallery Problem

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Dispersive AGP Solver

2023-10-03 Dominik Krupke

This folder contains an exact solver for the Dispersive AGP (with vertex guards). It has been developed on inquiry of Christian Rieck to make the results viable for the CG:SHOP grant. It uses an iterative SAT-model and lazy constraints for coverage via witnesses to solve the problem. The minimal distance is incrementally increased until the formula becomes infeasible, which indicates that the previous distance was the optimal one.


complex example

Problem Description

Optimization Dispersive Art Gallery Problem (Vertex Guarding)


  1. A polygon ( P ) with vertices ( V(P) ).

Objective: Determine the maximum distance ( \ell^* ) such that there exists a set of guards, ( G ), positioned on the vertices of the polygon ( P ) (i.e., ( G \subseteq V(P) )) with the following properties:

  1. Every point inside ( P ) is visible to at least one guard in ( G ).
  2. The pairwise geodesic distances between any two guards in ( G ) are at least ( \ell^* ).

Note: The visibility between a point and a guard is determined by a straight line segment that does not intersect the exterior of the polygon ( P ).

This problem was introduced by Rieck and Scheffer.


You can easily install and use the solver via pip:

pip install --verbose git+https://github.com/d-krupke/dispersive_agp_solver

We put some effort into making the installation as easy as possible. However, you will need to have a modern C++-compiler installed. There may also be some problems with Windows. The installation of the dependencies can take a while as CGAL will be locally installed (and compiled). Depending on your system, this can take up to 30 minutes.

You could also try to install the visibility polygon dependency pyvispoly before installing this package. This dependency is probably the most difficult to install. If you manage to install it, the installation of this package should be easy.

Mathematical Model

For a given polygon $\mathcal{P}$ with vertices $V(\mathcal{P})$, we are looking for a set of guards $G \subseteq V(\mathcal{P})$ such that $\ell = \min_{g_1, g_2 \in G} \text{dist}(g_1, g_2)$ is maximized, and the every witness $w\in \mathcal{P}$ is visible to at least one guard $g \in G$, i.e., $\forall w \in \mathcal{P}: \exists g \in G: \text{visible}(w, g)$. There are two challenges in this problem for an efficient mathematical formulation:

  1. There is an infinite number of witnesses and corresponding visibility constraints.
  2. A notorious $\max\min$-objective.

The first problem can be handled by introducing a finite set of witnesses $\mathcal{W}$ and adding the corresponding visibility constraints to the model. Whenever the obtained solution misses some area, we can add a new witness to $\mathcal{W}$ via lazy constraints. The identification of the missing area can be done by computing the visibility polygon of the current set of guards and checking for uncovered areas. From these uncovered areas, we can compute new witnesses, e.g., by using the vertices of the skeleton. This approach has already been used in the literature for the classical AGP.

The second problem requires different techniques for different solvers. We can solve it by rectified constraints:

Constraint Programming Model

$$ \begin{aligned} \text{maximize} \quad & \ell \\ \text{subject to} \quad & \ell \leq \text{dist}(g_1, g_2) \text{ if } x_{g_1} \wedge x_{g_2} \quad& \forall g_1, g_2 \in V(\mathcal{P}) \\ & \bigvee_{g \in V(\mathcal{P}), \text{visbile(w,g)}} x_g & \forall w \in \mathcal{W} \\ & x_g \in \mathbb{B} & \forall g \in V(\mathcal{P}) \\ & \ell \in \mathbb{R} \end{aligned} $$

Rectified constraints are usually inefficient for MIP solvers, but some constraint programming solvers such as CP-SAT can often handle them reasonably well.

Mixed Integer Programming Model

If an upper bound $M$ is already known, we can implement it directly as linear constraint.

$$ \begin{aligned} \text{maximize} \quad & \ell \\ \text{subject to} \quad & \ell \leq \text{dist}(g_1, g_2) + (1-x_{g_1})\cdot M + (1-x_{g_2})\cdot M \quad& \forall g_1, g_2 \in V(\mathcal{P}) \\ & \sum_{g \in V(\mathcal{P}), \text{visbile(w,g)}} x_g \geq 1 & \forall w \in \mathcal{W} \\ & x_g \in \mathbb{B} & \forall g \in V(\mathcal{P})\\ & \ell \in \mathbb{R} \end{aligned} $$

This model can be solved by a MIP solver such as Gurobi or CPLEX. However, the performance can be poor if not tight $M$ is known. Additionally, if the polygon can be guarded from a single vertex, the tight upper bound is infinity, which is not allowed in MIP solvers. This case can easily be detected by computing the visibility polygons for each vertex.


An important observation is that there are only $\mathcal{O}(|V(\mathcal{P})|^2)$ possible objective values. Thus, we can state the problem as a decision problem, asking if there exists a feasible solution with objective value at least $\ell$. If there is a feasible solution, we obtain a new upper bound. If there is no feasible solution, we obtain a new lower bound. We can repeat this process until the lower bound is equal to the upper bound. By using a binary search, we could find the optimal solution with $\mathcal{O}(\log |V(\mathcal{P})|)$ calls to the decision problem. However, one has to keep in mind that disproving the existence of a solution can be much more difficult than proving it, such that a binary search is not necessarily the best approach. Another question is if we directly want to add witnesses to any solution, or only to the optimal solution for a witness set. Computing the coverage of a guard set is possible in polynomial time, but it is still a geometric operation that can be expensive as it requires precise arithmetics. Thus, we may want to avoid it as much as possible.

Building a formula that decides the existence of a solution with objective value at least $\ell$ that covers the given witnesses $\mathcal{W}$ is relatively easy and can be done as follows:

Decide($\ell, \mathcal{W}$): $$\bigwedge_{w \in \mathcal{W}} \left(\bigvee_{g \in V(\mathcal{P}), \text{LoS}{\mathcal{P}}(w,g)} x_g\right) \wedge \bigwedge{g, g' \in V(\mathcal{P}), \text{dist}(g, g') \leq \ell} \left(\neg x_{g} \vee \neg x_{g'}\right)$$

Note that increasing $\ell$ or $\mathcal{W}$ can be done incrementally by adding new clauses to the formula, allowing the SAT-solver to maintain, e.g., learned clauses, and potentially speeding up the solving process.


The algorithm is based on an incremental SAT-model, in which we

  • incrementally ensure full coverage of the polygon by adding witnesses for missing areas
  • incrementally increase the minimal distance between guards until the formula becomes infeasible

Algorithm 1: Dispersive Gallery Optimization

Input: A polygon ( P ) Output: A set of guards ensuring maximum dispersion

  1. Initialize vertices = P.vertices
  2. Initialize SATFormula as an empty SAT instance
  3. For v in vertices:
    • Introduce a new Boolean variable $x_v$ into SATFormula representing the placement of a guard at vertex v
  4. Add a clause to SATFormula to enforce at least one guard: $\bigvee_{v \in \text{vertices}} x_v$
  5. while True:
    1. solution = Solve(SATFormula)
    2. if not solution:
      • Return LastFeasibleSolution
    3. guards = { v | v in vertices and solution(x_v) is True }
    4. missingArea = ComputeMissingArea(P, guards)
    5. if missingArea is empty:
      1. LastFeasibleSolution = guards
      2. $g_1, g_2$ = FindClosestGuardsPair(guards)
      3. Add a new clause to SATFormula to prevent $g_1$ and $g_2$ from being chosen simultaneously: $\neg x_{g_1} \vee \neg x_{g_2}$
    6. else:
      1. For witness in FindWitnessesForMissingArea(missingArea):
        1. visibleGuards = FindVisibleGuards(witness, guards)
        2. Add a new clause to SATFormula: $\bigvee_{g \in \text{visibleGuards}} x_g$

Potential Improvements

Most of the time is used by the geometric operations, while the SAT-formulas remain harmless. Thus, one could try another approach by always computing an optimal solution for each witness set and only then start to extend it. This would drastically reduce the number of geometric operations. A lot of the data can be reused. Would require some changes in the code architecture.

Alternative approaches could be based on a MIP or CP-SAT model. They would probably not be competitive. However, they could minimize the number of guards in parallel and, thus, potentially make larger optimization steps.


While this code is licensed under the MIT license, it has a dependency on CGAL, which is licensed under GPL. This may have some implications for commercial use.