
A range-assignment optimizer for networks with drones

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Range Assignment Optimizer for Networks with Drones

Dominik Krupke, 2023

This repository contains experimental code for an exact solver for a range assignment problem with drones. This problem was proposed by Aaron Becker. The problem definition may differ slightly from the original problem statement.


Problem Description

Objective: Determine the optimal placement of drones and range assignments for both terminals and drones to ensure a strongly connected network among the terminals, with the goal of minimizing the overall power consumption.


  1. Terminals: A predefined set of terminal nodes $T$ positioned at fixed locations within a 2D plane.
  2. Drones: An allocation of $k$ drones $D$ available for strategic placement within the plane.

$A=T\cup D$ is the set of all agents.


  1. Strong Connectivity: The network configuration must guarantee a directed path between any pair of terminal nodes, whether through direct connections or intermediated by drones.
  2. Range-based Connectivity: One node is directly connected to another if their distance does not exceed the range of the originating node.
  3. Power Consumption Model: A node's power consumption is directly proportional to the square of its transmission range.

Optimization Metric: Minimize the collective power consumption, which is represented by the sum of the squared ranges of all terminals and drones in the network.


The problem can be efficiently solved via a Second Order Cone Program, if the topology of the network is known.


The current solver leverages numerous Big-M formulations to determine the network topology, offering ample room for enhancements.

Model Description

The computational model is a Mixed Integer Second Order Cone Program (MISOCP), solvable by advanced solvers such as Gurobi.


  • $p_i=(x_i, y_i) \in \mathbb{R}^2$: Represents the position of drone or terminal $i$ where $i$ belongs to the set $A$. Positions are predetermined for terminals, denoted as $T$.
  • $r_i \in \mathbb{R}$: Denotes the squared range (equivalent to power) associated with a terminal or drone $i$.
  • $d_{ij} \in \mathbb{R}$: Indicates the squared distance between any pair of terminal or drone $i$ and $j$.
  • $z_{ij} \in {0, 1}$: A binary variable, which is set to 1 if agent $i$ is directly connected to agent $j$ and 0 otherwise. If the topology is fixed, this variable can be eliminated, making the model a pure SOCP, which can be solved in polynomial time.


  • For every $i, j$ belonging to $A$: $d_{ij} \geq squared\_dist(p_i, p_j)$. This constraint can be articulated using a Second Order Cone Constraint supplemented by certain auxiliary variables. Such constraints can be efficiently propagated.
  • For every $i, j$ in $A$: $r_i \geq d_{ij} - (1-z_{ij})\times M$. Here, the power $r_i$ must be adequate to facilitate the connection if the decision is made to connect $i$ to $j$. The value of $M$ is a significantly large constant such that $r_i \geq d_{ij}$ whenever $z_{ij}=1$. This embodies the Big-M methodology and is the model's most expensive part. The maximum possible squared distance can cap $M$. Note that this only works with a $\geq$ as this represents a convex cone, however, the objective will enforce the $=$.
  • For any subset $A'$ of $A$ where $T \cap A' \neq \emptyset$ and $T \cap (A\setminus A') \neq \emptyset$: $\sum_{i \in A', j \in A\setminus A'} z_{ij} \geq 1$. This stipulation ascertains the establishment of a strongly connected network, integrated through callbacks.

Objective Function:

Minimize the aggregated power consumption across all nodes: $\sum_{i \in A} r_i$.

Enhancement Proposals

Several incremental enhancements have already been integrated, such as:

  • Refining the big-M constants between terminals based on our knowledge of the maximum necessary range between them.
  • Mandating that every terminal maintains at least one inbound and one outbound connection.
  • Ensuring a minimum of $|T|$ edges when multiple terminals are present.

Potential avenues for further refinement include:

  • Establishing minimum power requirements for individual agents.
  • Determining more precise maximum power limits for individual agents, facilitating a reduction in the big-M constants.
  • Introducing constraints to guarantee network connectivity.
  • Exclusively leveraging the SOCP while independently implementing the branch and bound. This approach would necessitate a strategic iterative construction of the network, ensuring that each subnetwork serves as a lower bound for the comprehensive network.


You can install the package via

pip install -U git+https://github.com/d-krupke/drone-range-assignment 

See the notebooks-folder for examples.

How to run an example

  1. Make sure you have a full Gurobi license installed. Academic licenses are available for free and just require a registration. I recommend using conda to install Gurobi and activate the license.
  2. Install the package as described above. pip install -U git+https://github.com/d-krupke/drone-range-assignment
  3. Install jupyter notebook. pip install jupyter
  4. Download one of the notebooks from the notebooks folder. E.g., this one
  5. Run the notebook with jupyter notebook example_1.ipynb and execute all cells.

It is highly recommended to use virtual environments when experimenting with various packages, such that in case of a conflict, the base environment is not affected, and the environment can be easily removed. There are various options for virtual environments, such as conda, virtualenv, or pipenv. I personally prefer conda as it is the most powerful and flexible option, but it is also the most complex one.