bash script for OS Vyatta. It is used for testing internet connection and reservation of two ISP. For reservetion we use VRRP group priority.
On first router
route add -host gw *.*.*.*
route add -host gw *.*.*.*
*.*.*.* is inteface of seconf router
mkdir /config/scripts/gwbackupNomain
cd /config/scripts/gwbackupNomain
copy files gwbackupNomain, chooseGW, rt1up, rt2up, rt1down, rt2down, bothDown to new directory
For autostart make link
ln -s /config/scripts/gwbackupNomain/gwbackup /config/scripts/postconfig.d/gwbackupNomain
For single word command in CLI like chooseGW make link to /bin
ln -s /config/scripts/gwbackupNomain/chooseGW /bin/chooseGW
On second router copy rt2vrrpset and run it
cd /config/scripts
scp name@yourserver:/your/parth/rt2vrrpset .
chmod a+x rt2vrrpset
ln -s /config/scripts/rt2vrrpset /config/scripts/postconfig.d/rt2vrrpset
You can change parameters on your own
Parameters affecting the notification by mail
ISP1="ISP1" # ISP1 name
ISP2="ISP2" # ISP2 name
RECIPIENTS=" " # Use a space to separate values
IPs monitoring via primary GW
IPs monitored via backup GW (static routes via secondary GW need to be configured for them)
Settings that affect the speed of response to the loss of the connection and counteraction to the flap
PingCount="5" # How much ping on every monitoring ip
GW1OKCOUNT="3" # ISP1 down if count less then this parametr
GW2OKCOUNT="3" # ISP2 down if count less then this parametr
SLEEP_TIME="15" # Wait seconds after every cycle of ping ????
CYCLES="10" # How much cycles wait when two ISP change state to UP
# to ???? in normal state and start load balancing
# Try not to set a very small value to avoid flapping
For start using script
bash /config/script/gwbackupNomain/gwbackupNomain &
For stoping script Need to test!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ps aux | grep -ie gwbackupNomain | awk '{print "kill -9 " $2}'
###For choose VRRP master for vlan use
usr@rt1:/ chooseGW
At first
Choose master router (1 or 2 or rt1 or rt2) or press Enter to exit
And now choose VLAN(s) for this Master. Press Enter for finish choosing VLANs.
VLAN number
press enter
Choose another VLAN or press "ENTER" to exit.
Do you want use gateway RT1 for VLAN (1 11 23)? (y/n)
press yes or no
Choose another router or press "ENTER" for exit.
This setting will affect on next cycle of gwbackup in load balance state!
show log
You can see log message with subject "***GWBACKUP" Also you can search VRRP message in log file for debug
To see for what VLANs router is master
show vrrp summary
For detailed view of VRRP groups
show vrrp
###Debuging For debuging
bash /config/script/gwbackupNomain/gwbackupNomain -v
For extended debuging
bash /config/script/gwbackupNomain/gwbackupNomain -vv