
This package provides various synchronization implementations: Lock, ReaderWriterLock, Semaphore.

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT


This package provides various synchronization implementations:

  • Lock for exclusive access This lock can be used to execute critical sections of code. The provided implementation supports reentrancy.

  • ReaderWriterLock for single writer/multiple reader synchronization The provided implementation does not supports reentrancy, but locks can be upgraded and/or downgraded.

  • Semaphore for controlling access to resources.

Implementations are based on package using and support cancelation tokens as well as automatic releasing via use() / useAsync() / execute() / executeAsync().


void main() {

  final cache = <String, Data>{};

  Future<Data?> fromCache(String key) =>
    ReaderWriterLock.read(cache).useAsync((reader) async {

      // multiple readers may retrieve some data from the cache
      if (cache.containsKey(key)) {
         return cache[key]!;

      // when the data is not in cache, the lock is upgraded
      return reader.upgrade().useAsync((writer) async {
        // we now have exclusive access to load or compute data and update
        // the cache

        // ... load data, update cache ...
        return data;
