Instead of bloating the laptop with development software, Docker container(s) can be used.
Container is based on latest Ubuntu and configured to setup some standard software and utilities to use, as well as Ruby specific. The shared folder mapped to ./data
- Curl
- Git
- Zsh shell with syntax highlighting & auto-suggestion
- Set of standard build tool
- Midnight Commander
- Nano editor
- Linuxbrew
- Ruby:
- Rbenv
- Ruby 2.5.3
- Rails
- Some gems for starters, including Rails
- Heroku
- SQLite
- PostgreSQL (off by default)
Download and use the following scripts:
- to build, run and execute
- to delete old instance, run & execute the
- just execute (login).
- Increased upper limits: 4 GB memory and 4 CPU cores.
- Change Oh-My-Zsh default theme to remove Git plugin to speed up the folder navigation on shared folders with Git initialized.
- Removed Micro Editor - due to installation issues.
- Added Nano editor instead.
- Changed scripts:
- added -t option. More details here.
- Added scripts:
- maps port 3000 to host
- destroys container and
- execute (login) with docker as
- execute (login) with root as
- starts container.
- Removed gem installation to speed up.
- Added PostgreSQL (can be disabled).
- Add Linuxbrew.
- Removed all non-required stuff:
- scripts with ports (build-n-run & run have ports mapped)
- removed ZSH themes
- Refactored to decrease amount of actions and layers
- Node with JS will be included in Docker // JS Environment