
Health monitor server description

Health Monitor measures values and send notifications to all connected clients.

Server can be reached via WebSocket connection. Current location is ws://

Server notification message structure

Server provides notifications in json format

General structure

Field Type Description
messageType string type of notification message
message string message description
data object measured data

Notification messages list:

  1. Information about current running processes

    Message is sended every 2 seconds

    messageType : ProcessesInformation

    message : Running processes information

    data : object

    Field Type Description
    id int Process id
    name string Process name
    memoryUsage long Amount of physical memory, in bytes, allocated for the associated process
    totalProcessorTime int Total processor time for this process in milliseconds
  2. CPU highload warning

    Message is sended when Processor Time used exceeds 80%

    messageType : CpuHighload

    message : Warning highload

    data : float Current CPU load in %

  3. Memory highload warning

    Message is sended when Available memory is less than 10%

    messageType : LowMemory

    message : Warning low memory

    data : float Available memory in Mb