
Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Build Status Coverage Status

WARNING: This driver is currently an ALPHA release. This means that there may potentially be backwards compatible breaking changes moving forward. Do NOT use this driver in a production environment in its current state.

DISCLAIMER: This is not an officially supported Amazon product

Amazon FSx for Lustre CSI Driver


The Amazon FSx for Lustre Container Storage Interface (CSI) Driver implements CSI specification for container orchestrators (CO) to manage lifecycle of Amazon FSx for Lustre filesystems.

CSI Specification Compability Matrix

AWS FSx for Lustre CSI Driver \ CSI Version v0.3.0 v1.0.0
master branch yes no
v0.1.0 yes no


The following CSI interfaces are implemented:

  • Controller Service: CreateVolume, DeleteVolume, ControllerGetCapabilities, ValidateVolumeCapabilities
  • Node Service: NodePublishVolume, NodeUnpublishVolume, NodeGetCapabilities, NodeGetInfo, NodeGetId
  • Identity Service: GetPluginInfo, GetPluginCapabilities, Probe

FSx for Lustre CSI Driver on Kubernetes

Following sections are Kubernetes specific. If you are Kubernetes user, use followings for driver features, installation steps and examples.

Kubernetes Version Compability Matrix

AWS FSx for Lustre CSI Driver \ Kubernetes Version v1.11 v1.12 v1.13
master branch yes yes yes
v0.1.0 yes yes yes

Container Images

FSx CSI Driver Version Image
master branch amazon/aws-fsx-csi-driver:latest
v0.1.0 amazon/aws-fsx-csi-driver:v0.1.0


  • Static provisioning - FSx for Lustre file system needs to be created manually first, then it could be mounted inside container as a volume using the Driver.
  • Dynamic provisioning - uses persistence volume claim (PVC) to let the Kuberenetes to create the FSx for Lustre filesystem for you and consumes the volume from inside container.


Set up driver permission

The driver requires IAM permission to talk to Amazon FSx for Lustre service to create/delete the filesystem on user's behalf. There are several methods to grant driver IAM permission:

  • Using secret object - create an IAM user with proper permission, put that user's credentials in secret manifest then deploy the secret.
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aws/csi-driver-amazon-fsx/master/deploy/kubernetes/secret.yaml > secret.yaml
# Edit the secret with user credentials
kubectl apply -f secret.yaml
  • Using worker node instance profile - grant all the worker nodes with proper permission by attach policy to the instance profile of the worker.

Deploy driver

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aws/csi-driver-amazon-fsx/master/deploy/kubernetes/manifest.yaml


Before the example, you need to:

  • Get yourself familiar with how to setup Kubernetes on AWS and create FSx for Lustre filesystem if you are using static provisioning.
  • When creating FSx for Lustre file system, make sure its VPC is accessible from Kuberenetes cluster's VPC and network traffic is allowed by security group.
    • For FSx for Lustre VPC, you can either create FSx for lustre filesystem inside the same VPC as Kubernetes cluster or using VPC peering.
    • For security group, make sure port 988 is allowed for the security groups that are attached the lustre filesystem ENI.
  • Install FSx for Lustre CSI driver following the Installation steps.

Example links


Please go through CSI Spec and General CSI driver development guideline to get some basic understanding of CSI driver before you start.


  • Golang 1.11.4+


Dependencies are managed through go module. To build the project, first turn on go mod using export GO111MODULE=on, to build the project run: make


  • To execute all unit tests, run: make test
  • To execute sanity tests, run: make test-sanity


This library is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.