
A Discord Bot written in python that utilises Discord's API to store large files on discord.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Latest Update

Discord tried fucking me over by implementing file expiry, which was a shit idea, because I just changed how the bot works, dumbasses, now instead of the legacy method (which was splitting a large file into 25MB segments and uploading them.) the bot now splits the file up into base64 encoded messages of 2000 characters each.

Discord Cloud Drive Bot, aka Siamese

This is a Discord bot that allows you to split files into base64 encoded parts, send them as messages in a text channel, read messages from a specified channel, and rebuild a file from split messages using a JSON database and base64 decoding. Meanwhile, the bot keeps track of the splitting and rebuilding process and stores records of every entry to additionally make the end-users usage simple and efficient.


1. Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/d-obfuscation/Siamese

2. Change directories into the repository

cd Siamese

3. Install the required dependencies by running the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

4. Create a new Discord bot and obtain the bot token. Refer to the Discord API documentation for instructions on how to create a bot and obtain the token. 5. Create a file called .env in the same directory as main.py and on the first line write TOKEN= and then paste your bot token right after the = without any spaces. Then on the second line write 'OWNER=' and then paste your discord User ID, this is to verify only you can add people to the bot's whitelist.


1. Invite the bot to your Discord server using the OAuth2 URL generated for your bot. Make sure to select the necessary permissions (Read messages, Send messages, Manage channels, Manage Categories, Send Files). 2. Launch the bot by running the Python script:

python3 main.py

3. The bot will be online and ready to use.


Split Command

Syntax: !split <file_name> (Full path to file)
Example of correct usage: !split /home/username/large_file.exe Example of incorrect usage: !split ~/large_file.exe

Description: This command takes a file_name as an argument and splits the file into base64 encoded 2000 character parts. Each part is sent as a separate message in a text channel. A JSON entry is generated and put into database.json as well as a copy is pasted into the channel for you to send to others if they need to rebuild from your entry..

Rebuild Command

Syntax: !rebuild

Description: This command prompts the user to make a selection from the list of entries it has in its database.json file and when selected, automatically pulls the messages and decodes them from b64 from the corresponding discord server and channel, and rebuilds the original file.

List Command

Syntax: !list

Description: This command lists all the available commands in the bot along with their syntax and a brief description of how they work.


Contributions are welcome! If you have any suggestions, improvements, or bug fixes, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


This script was created by me, myself, and I.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.