
Artificial Neural Networks (Multilayer perceptron) coded from scratch, to learn the maths underneath the algorithm. The algorithm is trained to predict tumour diagnosis on a medical dataset.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Machine Learning project

Multilayer Perceptron

Summary: This project is an introduction to artificial neural networks, with the implementation of a multilayer perceptron. Using a database with medical values from a tumour imaging system, the perceptron is able to learn and predict the result of future cancer diagnosis based on previous results with an accouracy higher than 90%.


  • I Introduction
    • I.1 A bit of history
    • I.2 Multilayer perceptron
    • I.3 Perceptron
  • II Goals
  • III General instructions
  • IV Mandatory part
    • IV.1 Foreword
    • IV.2 Dataset
    • IV.3 Implementation
    • IV.4 Submission
  • V Bonus
  • VI Submission and peer correction

Chapter I


In the language of your choice you are going to implement amultilayer perceptron, in order to predict whether a cancer is malignant or benign on a dataset of breast cancer diagnosis in the Wisconsin.

I.1 A bit of history

Machine learning is a vast field in which artificial neural network is only a small subset. Nevertheless we are going to tackle it since it is a really powerful tool that resurfaced a few years ago.

Conversely to what one may think, artificial neural networks have existed for a long time. In his 1948 paper ’intelligent machinery’, Alan Turing introduced a type of neural networks namedB-type unorganised machinethat he considered as the simplest possible model of the nervous system.

The perceptron was invented by Frank Rosenblatt in 1957, it is a single layer linear classifier, and also one of the first neural network to be implemented. Unfortunately the results were not as good as expected and the idea was abandoned. A bit more than 10 years later the algorithm was improved as themultilayer perceptronand was used once again.

Machine Learning project Multilayer Perceptron

I.2 Multilayer perceptron

Themultilayer perceptronis a feedforward network (meaning that the data flows from the input layer to the output layer) defined by the presence of one or more hidden layers as well as an interconnection of all the neurons of one layer to the next.

The diagram above represents a network containing 4 dense layers (also called fully connected layers). Its inputs consist of 4 neurons and its output of 2 (perfect for binary classification). The weights of one layer to the next are represented by two dimensional matrices noted Wljlj +1. The matrix Wl 0 l 1 is of size(3 , 4)for example, as it contains the weights of the connections between the layer l 0 and the layer l 1.

The bias is often represented as a special neuron which has no inputs and with an output always equal to 1. Like a perceptron it is connected to all the neurons of the following layer (the bias neurons are noted blj on the diagram above). The bias is generally useful as it allows to “control the behavior” of a layer.

Machine Learning project Multilayer Perceptron

I.3 Perceptron

The perceptron is the type of neuron that themultilayer perceptronis composed of. They are defined by the presence of one or more input connections, an activation function and a single output. Each connection contains a weight (also called parameter) which is learned during the training phase.

Two steps are necessary to get the output of a neuron. The first one consists in computing the weighted sum of the outputs of the previous layer with the weights of the input connections of the neuron, which gives

weighted sum =
N ∑− 1
k =
( xk · wk ) + bias

The second step consists in applying an activation function on this weighted sum, the output of this function being the output of the perceptron, and can be understood as the threshold above which the neuron is activated (activation functions can take a lot of shapes, you are free to chose whichever one you want depending on the model to train, here are some of the most frequently used ones to give you an idea : sigmoid, hyperboloid tangent, rectified linear unit).

Chapter II


The goal of this project is to give you a first approach to artificial neural networks, and to have you implement the algorithms at the heart of the training process. At the same time you are going to have to get reacquainted with the manipulation of derivatives and linear algebra as they are indispensable mathematical tools for the success of the project.

Chapter III

General instructions

  • This project will only be evaluated by Humans. You are free to organize and name your files as you desire while respecting the restrictions listed below.
  • You are free to use whatever language you want, you have no restrictions on that point.
  • No libraries handling the implementation of artificial neural networks or the un- derlying algorithms are allowed, you must code everything from scratch, you can however use libraries to handle linear algebra and to display the learning curves.
  • It the case of a compiled language, you must submit a Makefile. This Makefile must compile the project, and must contain the usual compilation rules. It should recompile and relink the program only as necessary. The dependencies should also be downloaded/installed with the Makefile as needed.
  • The norm is not applied on this project. Nevertheless, you will be asked to be clear and structured in the conception of your source code.

Chapter IV

Mandatory part

IV.1 Foreword

A non-negligible part of the evaluation will be based on your understanding of the training phase (also called the learning phase) and the underlying algorithms. You will be asked to explain to your corrector the notions offeedforward,backpropagation andgradient descent. Points will be attributed depending on the clarity of your explanations. These notions are important for the next projects of the branch and will represent a real asset if you wish to continue in this field.

IV.2 Dataset

The dataset is provided in the resources. It is acsvfile of 32 columns, the column diagnosisbeing the label you want to learn given all the other features of an example, it can be either the valueMorB(for malignant or benign). The features of the dataset describe the characteristics of a cell nucleus of breast mass extracted with fine-needle aspiration. (for more detailed informations, go here).

As you will see, there is an important work of data understanding before starting to implement the algorithm which will be able to classify it. A good practice would be to begin by playing with the dataset by displaying it with graphs, visualizing and manipulating its different features.

The data is raw and should be preprocessed before being used for the
training phase.

Machine Learning project Multilayer Perceptron

IV.3 Implementation

Your implementation of the neural network must contain at least two hidden layers (the idea is to make you write a program a bit more modular. Although this won’t be graded, it still is a good habit to take). You must also implement thesoftmaxfunction on the output layer in order to obtain the output as a probabilistic distribution.

In order to evaluate the performances of your model in a robust way during training, you will split your dataset in two parts, one for the training, and one for the validation (the validation dataset is used to determine the accuracy of your model on unknown examples).

To visualize your model performances during training, you will display at each epoch the training and validation metrics, for example :

epoch 39/70 - loss: 0.0750 - val_loss: 0.
epoch 40/70 - loss: 0.0749 - val_loss: 0.
epoch 41/70 - loss: 0.0747 - val_loss: 0.

You will also implement a learning curve graph displayed at the end of the training phase (you are free to use any library you want for this purpose).

IV.4 Submission

You will submit two programs, the first for the training phase, and the second for the prediction phase (or you can submit a single program with an option to switch between the two phases) :

  • The training program will usebackpropagationandgradient descentto learn on the training dataset and will save the model (network topology and weights) at the end of its execution.
  • The prediction program will load the weights learned in the previous phase, perform a prediction on a given set (which will also be loaded), then evaluate it using the binary cross-entropy error function :
E =− N^1
∑ N
n =
[ yn log pn + (1− yn ) log(1− pn )]
A part of the evaluation will be performed on the training phase, and
the performances of the trained model. As a lot of random factors
come into play (the weights and bias initialization for example), you
are allowed to use a seed to obtain a repeatable result.

Chapter V


The bonus part will be evaluated only if the mandatory part was perfectly done. You are free to implement any functionalities that you think could be interesting. Nevertheless, here is an non-exhaustive list of bonuses :

  • A more complex optimization function (for example : nesterov momentum, RMSprop, Adam, ...).
  • A display of multiple learning curves on the same graph (really useful to compare different models).
  • An historic of the metric obtained during training.
  • The implementation of early stopping.
  • Evaluate the learning phase with multiple metrics.

Chapter VI

Submission and peer correction

Submit your work on your git repository as usual. Only the work on your repository will be graded.