
One-click WordPress plugin that converts all posts, pages, taxonomies, metadata, and settings to Markdown and YAML which can be dropped into Jekyll

Primary LanguagePHP

WordPress to Jekyll Exporter

One-click WordPress plugin that converts all posts, pages, taxonomies, metadata, and settings to Markdown and YAML which can be dropped into Jekyll.


  • Converts all posts, pages, and settings from WordPress for use in Jekyll
  • Export what your users see, not what the database stores (runs post content through the_content filter prior to export, allowing third-party plugins to modify the output)
  • Converts all post_content to Markdown Extra (using Markdownify)
  • Converts all post_meta and fields within the wp_posts table to YAML front matter for parsing by Jekyll
  • Generates a _config.yml with all settings in the wp_options table
  • Outputs a single zip file with _config.yml, pages, and _posts folder containing .md files for each post in the proper Jekyll naming convention
  • No settings. Just a single click.


  1. Place plugin in /wp-content/plugins/ folder
  2. Make sure extension=zip.so line is uncommented in your php.ini
  3. Activate plugin in WordPress dashboard
  4. Select Export to Jekyll from the Tools menu

Command-line Usage

If you're having trouble with your web server timing out before the export is complete, or if you just like terminal better, you may enjoy the command-line tool.

It works just like the plugin, but produces the zipfile on STDOUT:

php jekyll-export-cli.php > jekyll-export.zip

Alternatively, if you have WP-CLI installed, you can run:

wp jekyll-export > export.zip

The WP-CLI version will provide greater compatibility for alternate WordPress environments, such as when wp-content isn't in the usual location.


View Past Releases


  • Made license explicit
  • Removed word-wrap from YAML export to prevent breaking permalinks


  • Use fork of Markdownify rather than external API to convert content from HTML to markdown
  • Better memory utilization for larger sites, props @ghelleks


  • Commmand-line support, props @ghelleks and @scribu


  • Use WP_Filesystem for better compatability
  • 1.1.1 - Use heckyeahmarkdown to prevent PHP errors when Markdownify chokes on malformed HTML
  • 1.1.2 - clarify zip.so requirement in readme


  • Initial Release


The project is licensed under the GPLv3 or later