
My personal portfolio site. Website is built using HTML, CSS, and a pinch of JavaScript to bring dynamic content to life. Hosted on Vercel.

Primary LanguageHTML

My Portfolio Website heart

This is a simple yet elegant portfolio website built using HTML, CSS, and a pinch of JavaScript to bring dynamic content to life.


The design and concept were inspired by the work of unknownsrc.

I discovered unknownsrc through an YouTube video, which exposed unknownsrc 🤔. You can watch the video here.


  • Simplicity at its core: Stripped down to the essentials, the website presents content clearly and concisely.
  • Live Spotify Integration: Using a bit of JavaScript, the site automatically updates the "Spotify Currently Playing" widget every 10 seconds, keeping content fresh and engaging.
  • Responsive Design: Crafted to provide a seamless experience across all devices.
  • Interactive Lama Animation: Fun, dynamic lamas that fall and turn on the edges of the screen, adding a playful touch to the user experience.
  • Hosted on Vercel: The website is hosted on Vercel, ensuring fast and reliable performance.

Technologies Used

  • HTML: The skeleton of the site, structuring content in a logical flow.
  • CSS: For styling and animations, giving the site its personality.
  • JavaScript: For dynamic interactions, including the auto-refreshing Spotify widget.

Website Showcase