Processes the raw WMATA SmarTrip usage download in order to sum up card usage on weekdays. Saves file with year-month in the name for uploading as receipt in EOL.
- -> sign in
- Choose Metro card
- Use History
- Select month, then Submit
- Transaction type: Use, then Submit
- Export To Excel
- Save to this folder
- Use the runner script with the CSV file as an argument:
./ path/to/file.csv path/to/output.csv
Alternatively, run the docker image yourself, piping the CSV file to it:
docker run --rm -i wmata_pmt:latest < infile.csv > outfile.csv
- [Steps 1-6 from above]
- Add column "day_of_week" as
- Filter out weekends, sum up Changes column
- Save as CSV with name pattern YYYY_MM-metro.csv