
A resource where you can shoplift items from stores Where you can shoplift is configurable and how much you get from shoplifting is also Configurable

This resource uses qb-target To make the target work you need to add these following lines in init.lua and Config.TargetModels


PREVIEW: https://streamable.com/u6ez5i

    ["stealing"] = {
    models = {
    options = {
            type = "client",
            event = "qb-shoplifting:client:doStuff",
            icon = "fas fa-toolbox",
            label = "Shoplift",
    distance = 1.0

    ["stealAlc"] = {
    models = {
    options = {
            type = "client",
            event = "qb-shoplifting:client:shopLiftAcohol",
            icon = "fas fa-toolbox",
            label = "Shoplift Alcohol",
    distance = 1.0