EVENTED is service that provides a simple and scalable event management system. It has easy-to-use APIs for managing, parsing and subscribing to events.
- Event Management: Create, update, and delete events.
- Event Parsing: Parse events and send them to the message broker.
- Event Subscription: Subscribe to events and receive notifications when an event is created, updated, or deleted.
- aiogram: For creating Telegram bots.
- FastAPI: For building APIs.
- Pydantic: For data validation and settings management using Python type annotations.
- SQLAlchemy: For SQL databases.
- Docker: For containerization.
- RabbitMQ: For message broker.
- MongoDB: For storing events.
- PostgreSQL: For storing user data.
- Redis: For caching.
For now all documentations are in the libs directories. Each service has its own documentation in the README.md
Sooner, we will have a separate documentation directory for the whole project.