
Routing component to resolve Uri path

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Routing component to resolve Uri path


composer require extalion/routing


It's a class which represent the request method and Uri path. Also it store a knowledge what controller class create to handle the request.

use eXtalion\Component\Routing\Route;

$route = new Route\{Method}(


  • {Method} is a class name which represent request method. Available classnames/request methods:
  • Get,
  • Post,
  • Put,
  • Update,
  • Delete,
  • $uriPath is a valid Uri path which can contain parameters (see example),
  • $fullnameControllerClass self explanatory name :-)


new Route\Get('/', HomeController::class);
new Route\Get('/user', UserController::class);
new Route\Put('/user', User\SaveController::class);
new Route\Delete('/user/delete/{id}', User\DeleteController::class);
new Route\Delete('/user/delete/all', User\CleanUpController::class);

Route DELETE:/user/delete/{id} has a parameter id and that means this route will match to this requests (all of them has DELETE method request):


but request example.com/user/delete/all will be match to route DELETE:/user/delete/all. You don't have to care about order of defining routes, constant path are always before "parameters" path.

If your controller class has any dependencies you can put them to array as third parameter:

$postRepository = new Repository\Post\Pdo(...);
$mailer = new Mailer\Swift(...);

new Route\Put(

To extract parameters from Uri path call the method Route::extractParameters($uriPath):

$route = new Route\Get('/post/{id}/{action}', PostController::class);

$parameters = $route->extractParameters('/post/3/show');


// array(2) {
//   'id' => string(1) "3"
//   'action' => string(4) "show"
// }

You can validate your parameters during extracting them from path:

$route = new Route\Get(
        'id' => function (string $id): int {
            return (int) $id;
        'action' => function (string $action): string {
            return $action . '.php';

$parameters = $route->extractParameters('/post/3/show/pl');


// array(2) {
//   'id' => int(3)
//   'action' => string(8) "show.php"
//   'language' => string(2) "pl"
// }

New request method route

If you want to add new request method route you have to create new class and extends \eXtalion\Component\Routing\Route.

Router (\Basic)

It's a class which handle a \Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface and return Route which match to requested method and Uri path.


use eXtalion\Component\Routing\Router;

$router = new Router\Basic(
    new Route\Get(...),
    new Route\Get(...),
    new Route\Post(...),

$request = ... // Something what return \Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface

$route = $router->handle($request);

If you try to add two routes which match exactly to the same Uri Path, \eXtalion\Component\Routing\Exception\RouteConflict will be thrown.

try {
    $router = new Router\Basic(
        new Route\Get('/user/{id}', ...),
        new Route\Get('/user/{login}', ...)
} catch (RouteConflict $ex) {
    echo $ex->getMessage();