My cool coin(aka: CGC) is a demo for Smart LC solution on Ethereum. This demo is build on AWS with Cognito, DynamoDB, Kinesis.
|-node_modules [ Node.js Modules ]
|-index.js [ Http server and router]
|-wallet.html [ Ethereum wallet application UI]
|-wallet.js [ Ethereum wallet application script. Call the smart contract
of Ethereum through the web3 library. Use AWS SDK to operate
DynamoDB, Kinesis and other services.]
|-util.js [ UTIL Script. Authenticate users through Cognito.]
|-MC2Coin.txt [ Smart contract]
|-accountQuery [ Query interface]
|-package-lock.json [ As package.json]
|-package.json [ Configration of WEB3]
mkdir MC2Coin
cd MC2Coin
truffle unbox MC2Coin
module.exports = {
// Refer to <>
// to customize your Truffle configuration!
truffle compile
truffle migrate --network live
Running migration: 1_initial_migration.js
Deploying Migrations...
... 0x20527de6bc7ef8f0320f7b89faf648f991aecfd65f6979e4b9b7f0acc399271a
Migrations: 0xbd1786642cc3ac971dfd588d425e80b57b6c34a4
Saving successful migration to network...
... 0xbb564ee5ef152fe262a28ea8ef56b7680d0ad35459356ff57f3f024617ef9f7c
Saving artifacts...
Running migration: 2_deploy_contracts.js
Deploying ConvertLib...
... 0xa7865f3d8e8888abdde4266773d8ed20cb96735e571686292bcb59646bf2d173
ConvertLib: 0xc53d3562425c35bac21f8e5be7943b070a2b857f
Linking ConvertLib to MC2Coin
Deploying MC2Coin...
... 0x6fe8a4d7c469106f90a8e51eccbf5a8552577a0f0a67d733a772f7adf591b213
MetaCoin: 0xdb5494c8ac5529d1b48622fe8ea88a4d315a32cb
Saving successful migration to network...
... 0x4d025ebdeb3840449b506a48fc923dfb78bb84738490cf9f4cf9f255a4ead437
Saving artifacts...
|-media1.mp4 [ Demo video ]