
Cross online social network crawler to link users from Twitter, Instagram and Foursquare

Primary LanguagePython


Cross Online social Network Crawler to link users from Twitter, Instagram and Foursquare.

JSON dump of data:

  1. Download dataset and unzip http://cake.da.inf.ethz.ch/OSN-sigir2016/
  2. run: pip install -r requirements.txt to make sure you have the necessary libraries
  3. Create apps in Foursquare, instagram and twitter
  4. Fill in twitter_config.py, instagram_config.py and foursquare_config.py with your app details
  5. Run script get_tweet.py in the same folder as the dataset extracted
  6. This will create a folder called dataset_new, with users and subfolders for each social network, with json dumps of the data

What do the scripts do:

find_users.py searches through Twitter for users who crossposted Instagram and Foursquare content and outputs a csv file with the user ids on Instagram and Twitter. The Foursquare ID is not given because the Foursquare API doesn't let you fetch users, but the users in the list have posted content from Foursquare.

fetch_data.py provides routines to fetch profile and user media when given user ids from instagram and twitter, and ids from media from twitter, instagram and foursquare

read_data.py routines that read data of the format given in 'sample_data', fetches data and dumps a pickle of the user

How to run the scripts

Best way is to get the code running quickly using virtualenv: http://docs.python-guide.org/en/latest/dev/virtualenvs/

Then run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

You need to fill / create the files instagram_config.py, foursquare_config.py and twitter_config.py and put the details (app id, app secret) of the apps you create at the respective platforms.

To fetch data, you can test:

python read_data.py sample_data/users_linked.csv sample_data/user_tweets.csv sample_data/user_instaphotos.csv sample_data/user_4sqcheckins.csv

The full dataset is here: http://cake.da.inf.ethz.ch/OSN-sigir2016/


Email me on han.veiga@gmail.com and create a ticket on github! Thanks!