AWGG comes from Advanced Wget GUI. AWGG is a lightweight multiplatform and multilanguage download manager, basically a wget frontend and other tools like aria2, curl, youtube-dl and axel. AWGG is written in Free Pascal , using CodeTyphon and Lazarus IDE.
- Youtube downloads.
- Youtube playlists downloads.
- Torrents.
- Supports HTTP, HTTPS, FTP.
- Clipboard monitoring.
- Drop box.
- Batch download.
- Proxy configuration.
- Manage multiple downloads engines at the same time.
- Multiple schedules.
- Notification system.
- Multiple queues.
- Auto starts downloads with internet connection.
- Status filter download.
- Category downloads as Videos, Music, Image, Program, Compressed and others.
Copyright (C) 2014-2019 Reinier Romero Mir (