
My .vimrc configuration

Primary LanguageVim Script

My Vim Configuration

This is my personal Vim configuration, which is mostly managed with Vundle. I like to run a fairly minimal Vim, with just a few customizations for the languages I use regularly.



You need at least Vim 7.3, and you'll need git installed.

The no-brainer installation

The easy solution is to just run:

-bash$  git clone git://github.com/d11wtq/dot-vim.git ~/.vim
-bash$  vim -u ~/.vim/setup

This will make the needed symlinks and open Vim to finish the install.

The manual installation

If you don't feel comfortable using a shell script, the manual steps are simple:

First delete any ~/.vim/ directory and ~/.vimrc file you may have. Then:

-bash$  git clone git://github.com/d11wtq/dot-vim.git ~/.vim
-bash$  ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc
-bash$  cd ~/.vim && git clone https://github.com/gmarik/Vundle.vim bundle/vundle

Now you can start vim. No plugins (except Vundle) will have yet been installed, but you just install them using Vundle from inside of Vim:


Vundle will clone and register all the specified plugins (into ~/.vim/bundle/).

If you want the color scheme and git status line to take effect, either quit and restart Vim, or re-source the .vimrc:

:so ~/.vimrc

Updating the Plugins

Vundle manages updating of plugins, via git. Just run:


(With that bang! at the end)


