
M-x doctor instead of C-x C-c

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


Keybinding for killing Emacs is an awful joke. It should not exist in the first place. If I wanted to exit Emacs, I would call a doctor.

emacs-addiction-mode comes into play. Quit killing Emacs. Raise your addiction level and be happy about it.

Call emacs-addiction-mode to turn it locally. Call global-emacs-addiction-mode to turn it globally. Set your emacs-addiction-level and conquer this Universe.

Available levels:

  • neophyte - your addiction is new, so you are still unsure. You will be prompted if you really want to quit Emacs.
  • sane - you are a sane person. On any attempt to kill Emacs you will be brought straight to the psychotherapist.
  • brian - you ‘always look on the bright side of life’. So you don’t need to kill Emacs anymore.



This package is not yet available on MELPA.


(quelpa '(emacs-addiction-mode :repo "d12frosted/emacs-addiction-mode" :fetcher github))


 '(emacs-addiction-mode :type git :host github :repo "d12frosted/emacs-addiction-mode"))

In case you have integration with use-package:

(use-package emacs-addiction-mode
  :straight (emacs-addiction-mode
             :type git
             :host github
             :repo "d12frosted/emacs-addiction-mode"))


(require 'emacs-addiction-mode)
(setq emacs-addiction-level 'brian)


Everyone is welcome to contribute to emacs-addiction-mode project. Feature requests, proposals, issue reports, documentation improvements, code patches - just to name few things that the project can gain from.

Happy hacking!