- Java 17
- Docker
- Maven 3.x
- Windows : Run run_oracle.cmd from the command line of the project root to start a preconfigured database (git-bash will not work).
- Linux/OSX : Run run_oracle.sh from the command line of the project root to start
- An Oracle 21c XE (Express Edition) will be downloaded as Docker image.
- All Sql scripts in the folder ora_db_startup will be executed after startup.
- About 5 GB will be downloaded and require about 12 GB in the docker registry.
- The default password for the administration users SYS, SYSTEM and PDBADMIN are set to 'oracle'.
- A preconfigured schema 'HR' identified by password 'hr' is created during setup.
- Url to the schema 'HR' is 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521/xepdb1'
This is a Master-Detail Demonstration written in Spring Boot MVC using the Oracle HR Demo Schema.
- The Master-View works as a search dialog for employees.
- The Detail-View allows editing or deleting of employees.
- Startup the Oracle DB.
- Run mvn from the command line : Runs the PL/SQL Connector Builder, compiles the Spring-Boot-Application and starts the Spring-Boot-Application using the Oracle DB.
- Should also startup a browser with this URL http://localhost:8080.