
Algorand FL4SH LOAN client for javascript.

What it is / How it works / Why would I use it / etc

Read the FL4SH LOAN documentation here.


npm i algo-fl4sh-loan-sdk


yarn algo-fl4sh-loan-sdk

Example use

See also: examples/ for a standalone example.

import algosdk from 'algosdk';
import { makeLoanTxn, signLoanTxn } from 'algo-fl4sh-loan-sdk';

const algod = new algosdk.Algodv2("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", "http://localhost", "4001");

const mnem = 'essay glory sponsor now detect bitter first arrive elder noble immense direct shock forest whale relief puppy coast initial blood salute total cube about expect';

const { addr, sk } = algosdk.mnemonicToSecretKey(mnem);

const suggestedParams = await algod.getTransactionParams().do();

// unsignedLoanTxn: the loan from the logic sig to "addr"
// unsignedRepayTxn: an example repayment txn back to the logic sig
// repayAmount: use if you want to create your own repayment transaction
const [unsignedLoanTxn, unsignedRepayTxn, repayAmount] = await makeLoanTxn({
  fees: 10_000,
  receiver: addr,
  amount: 1_000_000,

// group the transactions
// loan txn MUST be first
// repayment txn MUST be last
// repayment can be from any address
// repayment MUST be an outer payment - CAN NOT be from an inner transaction in an app call
algosdk.assignGroupID([unsignedLoanTxn, /* your other transactions go here */ unsignedRepayTxn]);

// sign and submit
const signed = [
  signLoanTxn(unsignedLoanTxn, algosdk).blob,
  algosdk.signTransaction(unsignedRepayTxn, sk).blob,

try {
  const { txId } = await algod.sendRawTransaction(signed).do();
  console.log('OK', txId);
} catch(e) {

Exported functions

Note: All functions expect algosdk to be passed as a parameter.

async makeLoanTxn

makeLoanTxn returns the first and last transactions (unsigned) to be placed in the transaction group.

Call with parameters:

const [unsignedLoanTxn, unsignedRepayTxn, repayAmount] = await makeLoanTxn({

Object parameter values:

  • algosdk: required. pass in the js-algorand-sdk you are using on your client.
  • receiver: required. address of loan recipient.
  • amount: required. can be 0. amount to withdraw.
  • fees: optional. Flat fee to set in the loan transaction. Will default to suggestedParams or query suggested parameters from algod.
  • suggestedParams: optional[2]. Suggested parameters to use. if fees is also provided, flatFee will be set to true and fee will be set to the fees value
  • algod: optional[2]. Algod v2 client to query suggested parameters.

* optional[2]: one of algod or suggestedParams is required

Return values: Array of:

  • Unsigned loan transaction. Goes first in the group.
  • Unsigned loan repayment transaction. Goes last in the group.
  • Repayment amount. Use this in case you want to repay the loan from a different account.


Signs a loan txn with the logic sig.

const signed = signLoanTxn(unsignedLoanTxn, algosdk);


  • unsignedLoanTxn: unsigned loan transaction as generated from makeLoanTxn
  • algosdk: your algosdk


Signed transaction, containing: { txID, blob }


Returns the fl4sh loan logic sig address: FL4SHLOANLERAK6AFTBSBIL2WIWCRUFY7XWQK57H3EXM6GMMGMPT7C3UKI

const address = getAddress(algosdk);


  • algosdk


Returns a LogicSigAccount (algosdk class)

const lsigAccount = getLsig(algosdk);