AzureKeyVaultPasswordRepo PowerShell Module

##Description This repository contains the source code of the AzureKeyVaultPasswordRepo PowerShell module. AzureKeyVaultPasswordRepo PS module provides a PowerShell console based menu driven interface for users to manage password-based credentials in an Azure Key Vault.

##Install Instruction ###Install from PowerShell Gallery Install-module AzureKeyVaultPasswordRepo

###Manually Install Download this module from github, and place the AzureKeyVaultPasswordRepo module folder to 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules'

###Download from PowerShell Gallery Find-Module AzureKeyVaultPasswordRepo | Save-Module -Force -Path 'C:\Temp'

##PowerShell functions ###Invoke-AzureKeyVaultPasswordRepository Launch Azure Key Vault Password Repository

Use Get-Help Invoke-AzureKeyVaultPasswordRepository -Full to access the help file for this function.


  • ipr
  • Start-PasswordRepo

##Additional information: ###PowerShell Gallery: