
Top 100 active Slack or Discord workspaces for DevOps Engineers

Top 100 Active Slack/Discord Workspaces for DevOps

As the tech stacks are becoming more and more complex and business is moving at a fast pace, DevOps Teams worldwide are turning to the communication tools like Slack and Discord to stay productive. Collabnix community is coming together to list out the top 100 active Slack and discord channels for DevOps engineer like you.


Curated List of Workspaces/Channels (in alphebetical order)

Community Slack Discord
All Day DevOps https://alldaydevops.slack.com (official) N/A
Azure Stack Blog https://azurestackblog.slack.com (official) N/A
CNCF https://slack.cncf.io/ (official) N/A
Collabnix https://launchpass.com/collabnix (Official) N/A
Devtron N/A https://discord.com/invite/jsRG5qx2gp (Official)
Docker https://dockercommunity.slack.com (Official) https://discord.gg/CVBzBtdY (Unofficial)
Devlio DevChat https://devolio-devchat.slack.com (Official) N/A
DevOps Chat https://devopschat.slack.com (Official) N/A
DevOps Engineers https://devopsengineers.slack.com (Official) N/A
HangOps https://hangops.slack.com (Official) N/A
Kubernetes https://slack.k8s.io/ (Official) N/A
KubeDaily N/A https://discord.gg/rEvr7vq (Official)
OpenFaas https://tinyurl.com/openfaas (official) N/A
Portainer https://tinyurl.com/portainer (Official) https://discord.com/invite/j8fVken (Official)
Redis N/A https://discord.gg/redis (Official)
Rancher https://slack.rancher.io/ (official) N/A
Shipa https://tinyurl.com/shipaio (Official) N/A
SweetOps https://sweetops.slack.com (Official) N/A
Thanos #thanos-dev(CNCF) (Official) N/A
Bret Fisher's Vital DevOps N/A https://discord.gg/CXvdcE66vw
The Rawkode Academy N/A https://discord.gg/f4FBMcH8
Layer5 https://layer5io.slack.com (official) N/A