Visit slap-chop and upload a ruby or js file. Select the uncomment option and Slap Chop will chop (see what I did there) all of the file's comments and send you back a brand spanking new comment free file.
But there's more. If you select the unlog option, Slap Chop will remove all log statements from the uploaded file. in ruby p, puts, print
, in js console.log
If you would like to add a regular expression for removing comments/logs from files of a different language, regexps can be added to Remover.patterns
in app/controllers/concerns/remover.rb
. In order to select the proper algorithm, keys of the patterns hash must follow the convention of <action>.<extension>
i.e., uncomment.rb
# app/controllers/concerns/remover.rb
def self.patterns
'uncomment.rb' =>'#.*$|^=begin(.|\s)*^=end'),
'uncomment.js' =>'//.*$|/\*(.|\s)*\*/'),
'unlog.rb' =>'(p |print |puts ).*$'),
'unlog.js' =>'console\.log\(.*\); ?'),
'unlog.cpp' =>'<corresponding regexp here>')
It would be amazing to be able to upload a rails project directory and remove all comments/logs from all its .rb and .js files. I have been able to zip and unzip uploaded directories but am having trouble figuring out how deal with zipping nested directories. It would be great to figure this out.