
A Publisher of Beginner Level D&D Modules

Welcome to Arcane Pen

Arcane Pen is dedicated to writing Dungeon and Dragon content for everyone, but with a focus on the younger player! From the first time Dungeon Master to the veteran who writes their own modules we hope there is something for everyone, but you will find a focus on plots, settings and problems that are designed to help engage a younger audience and engage them in the world of D&D.

Started with a Spinoff!

Arcane Pen is a project that came out of a first time expereince of playing Dungeons & Dragons with my children usng the Starter Set, The Lost Mine of Phandelver. With some help and rules modification my 9 year old and 6 year old made it through the mine and we emerged victorious. Rather quickly the question "What do we do now?" came up.

I took a look at some of the exisitng modules, looked through them with my kids and felt that they were a bit of a big step for them. So, I picked up my pen (laptop), did some research and started writing my own modules. These modules have become a middle step between the Starter Set storyline and the other existing modules.

Each module...

  • Starts in Phandelver and storyline hooks assume character to use it as a base of opperations
  • Follows the format given in the Starter Set in terms of hints, tips and DM prompts
  • Promotes exploration of the Sword Coast and interacting with a number of people who inhabit it
  • Exposes newer players to some of the lore of the Sword Coast through exploration, adventure and
  • Maps based on floor tiles and miniature play
