
video.js plugin that adds a navigable waveform for audio and video files

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Video.js Wavesurfer

A video.js plugin that adds a navigable waveform for audio and video files, using the wavesurfer.js library. Includes support for fullscreen mode and real-time visualization of microphone input.


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You can use bower (bower install videojs-wavesurfer) or npm (npm install videojs-wavesurfer) to install the plugin, or download it here.

Since v1.0 this plugin is compatible with video.js 5.0 and newer. If you want to use this plugin with an older video.js 4.x version, check the archived releases for a 0.9.x or older release of this plugin.

Using the Plugin

The plugin depends on the video.js and wavesurfer.js libraries:

<link href="//vjs.zencdn.net/5.7.1/video-js.css" rel="stylesheet">

<script src="//vjs.zencdn.net/5.7.1/video.min.js"></script>
<script src="//katspaugh.github.io/wavesurfer.js/dist/wavesurfer.min.js"></script>

The plugin automatically registers itself when you include the videojs.wavesurfer.js script on your page:

<script src="videojs.wavesurfer.js"></script>

Add an audio element:

<audio id="myClip" class="video-js vjs-default-skin"></audio>

Or video element:

<video id="myClip" class="video-js vjs-default-skin"></video>

Plugin Options

Configure the player using the video.js options, and enable the plugin by adding a wavesurfer entry with the related wavesurfer.js options:

var player = videojs("myClip",
    controls: true,
    autoplay: true,
    loop: false,
    width: 600,
    height: 300,
    plugins: {
        wavesurfer: {
            src: "media/heres_johnny.wav",
            msDisplayMax: 10,
            waveColor: "grey",
            progressColor: "black",
            cursorColor: "black",
            hideScrollbar: true

See the full audio example (demo or source) and the video example (demo or source).

The additional options for this plugin are:

option type default description
src string null The URL of the audio/video file or 'live' when using the microphone plugin.
msDisplayMax float 3 Indicates the number of seconds that is considered the boundary value for displaying milliseconds in the time controls. An audio clip with a total length of 2 seconds and a msDisplayMax of 3 will use the format M:SS:MMM. Clips with a duration that is longer than msDisplayMax will be displayed as M:SS or HH:MM:SS.

Customizing controls

To disable and hide specific controls, use the video.js controlBar option:

controlBar: {
    // hide fullscreen control
    fullscreenToggle: false

Microphone plugin

It's also possible to use a microphone for real-time rendering of the audio waveform. This uses the microphone plugin that comes with wavesurfer.js.

Include the additional wavesurfer.microphone.js plugin on your page:

<script src="//katspaugh.github.io/wavesurfer.js/dist/plugin/wavesurfer.microphone.min.js"></script>

Add an audio element:

<audio id="myLiveAudio" class="video-js vjs-default-skin"></audio>

Configure the player: use the value 'live' for the src option:

var player = videojs("myLiveAudio",
    controls: true,
    width: 600,
    height: 300,
    plugins: {
        wavesurfer: {
            src: "live",
            waveColor: "black",
            cursorWidth: 0,
            interact: false

The microphone plugin has additional configuration options.

See the full live example (demo or source).

More features using other plugins

The Video.js community created lots of plugins that can be used to enhance the player's functionality. Plugins actually tested with videojs-wavesurfer:

  • videojs-record - Adds support for recording audio/video/image files.
  • videojs-persistvolume - Saves user's volume setting using localStorage, but falls back to cookies if necessary.


Install grunt-cli:

sudo npm install -g grunt-cli

Install dependencies using npm:

npm install

Build a minified version:


Generated files are placed in the dist directory.


This work is licensed under the MIT License.